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Bonny's WDW Birthday Blitz!

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 12:50 pm
by Mommytomjm
Hi All!!

Well, it's that time! My 36th birthday is December 14th... for those who don't know, my birthday has a really bad history, so hoping htat this year is going to be much better!

First of all I got an awsome surprise, one of my bestest friends is going to be at WDW that same week, so we have 4 days planned together! Here is our schedule, if you are in our neck of the woods, feel free to give us a buzz and say hi!

15th (Thu) MK/VMCP (my gift from Lisa!!!! Thank you!!!)

16th (Fri) Epcot/Candlelight Processional at 6:45 (lunch at Garden Grill with our holiday coupon. MJ loves Chip and Dale, hope this is a hit)

17th (Sat) AK, possibly DtD for a visit to Santa or Resort hopping to see decorations

18th (Sun) MGM (MJ has been begging to see Beast... so as a surprise for her [once you become a parent it is all about your kids, even on your bday! LOL] a special guy set it up for her to get to meet Beast that day, how cool is that?)

I am super excited about this weekend and hope that I'll get to see many of my WDW family during this time! I'll take notes for a trip report but probably won't get to write it until well after we are moved (Jan 21) and MJ's bday (Feb 6)

Re: Bonny's WDW Birthday Blitz!

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 2:20 pm
by Simba1
Happy belated Birthday, Bonny!! :cake:
Hope you're having fun at the MK today :bouncemic


Re: Bonny's WDW Birthday Blitz!

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 7:16 pm
by Scott45
So how was it?


Hi, can you explain why you're behind that yellow tape that says "Do not cross" and what you're doing standing on my hand?