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Re: More annoying: The parents or their children?

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 6:16 pm
by ICStupidPeople
StephM wrote: But I did explain to my 4 yr old that she may not be tall enough in Disney World cuz sometimes all that walking makes you shorter (sue me, I was pressed for time and she wanted a good reason!).
I thought that you actually were taller in the morning than in the evening due to walking/gravity/physics (I could be wrong, I've never studied this) so your explanation wouldn't be wrong in my opinion. Maybe try the rides that are questionable when she is at her tallest? (For instance, my feet swell and are wider and longer at the end of the day, where did that come from? I'm the same weight, so it had to be distributed somewhere, Newtons laws..I would register as shorter. Unless my diet was over 3500 calories more than I started, my mass would not change)

As far as the MF of your 3 year old. After I stop laughing at the fact that you put soap in his mouth yet he "forgot" and did it again the next morning, I would say that ignoring his behavior and not addressing it in any way would probably help. If your hubby does it again, ignore that too. The more attention you bring to the negative behavior, the more they are likely to re-enact it. (is hubby at least trained to put the toilet seat down? Make sure that is reiterated. That's more important than whether they swear IMO)

They do have their own little minds though, and no amount of psycho babble that I could spew will change that. Please keep us posted on the visit to grandmas. lol

p.s I am not discounting that him saying MF is wrong, but the fact that he is trying to be so "grown up like daddy" and says it regardless of the soap in the mouth shows you have one strong willed little man on your hands. He sounds absolutely adorable (but then again, I don't have any kids to have to train not to cuss, lol)

Re: More annoying: The parents or their children?

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 8:30 pm
by StephM
LoL yep hubby is toilet trained and he even cooks and does the dishes! Which is why I am willing to overlook the swearing. :D: I am thinking the ignoring would probably work the best, since our response to him, even though it is usually "NO! That is a BAD WORD!" always makes him smile. It is just so unnerving to hear that coming out of this face:

I will be sure to post if he spouts off at Grandma's. My mom would take it in stride, but this is hubby's step mom, who is a tad bit...churchish. :)

He is completely and totally daddy's little boy, so I agree he thinks he is being like Dad. Hmmm...maybe I should start putting soap in my husband's mouth?!? :twisted:

Re: More annoying: The parents or their children?

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 8:45 pm
by ICStupidPeople
StephM wrote: He is completely and totally daddy's little boy, so I agree he thinks he is being like Dad. Hmmm...maybe I should start putting soap in my husband's mouth?!? :twisted:
Oh my goodness, he is beyond precious. His little eyes show that he knows what is up though, lol!!!

It may not be a bad idea to put soap (even if its in a fake way) in your hubby's mouth for cussing if your son is looking up to hubby and repeating what he says. It establishes you as the primary disciplinarian (if you are with him more often) without discounting daddy's behavior as something only acceptable for big people. (but make sure that it's done in a way to not discount daddy's contribution to the discipline, otherwise that could bite you in the butt) your posts, I don't think that would be an issue.

He is sooo beyond cute though. I can't wait to hear what he says at grandmas. I will be watching this

Re: More annoying: The parents or their children?

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 10:33 pm
by Randy B
StephM wrote:The height restriction thing irritates the heck out of me.....I know if I was the CM who let a kid slide through and said child was injured...I would feel like crap. We are at the point right now that height is going to come up, my kids are just at 40" by our tape measure and we are heading down in Oct. But I did explain to my 4 yr old that she may not be tall enough in Disney World cuz sometimes all that walking makes you shorter (sue me, I was pressed for time and she wanted a good reason!). So we have already practiced what we will do if the CM measures her and she is too short. We will say "Thank you! We will be back in May to ride your ride!!!" :)
Here's another thought. At night when we sleep our spines relax and straighten. Durring the day, as we walk and stand the spine slowly curves and the pads between vertebra squash. The result is that most humans can be an inch or more shorter at the end of the day than at the beginning. So a child that may be tall enough at the beginning of the day may be too short at the end. And the change can be very quick if a ride or action (like jumping) causes the compression to happen quicker. So even if they were tall enough and go right back for an immediate re-ride it is possible to be too short.

So the suggestion is, if you are right on the edge of height requirement, go first thing in the morning. But I agree that having made plans for the eventuality of "too short", and having made it clear to the child that this is not ending all hope, just delaying it a short while, can make all the difference to all parties. Including the CM.


Re: More annoying: The parents or their children?

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 12:05 am
by hobie16
ICStupidPeople wrote:I thought that you actually were taller in the morning than in the evening due to walking/gravity/physics...
We just had the Air Force Thunderbirds on Oahu. One of the local newscasters was selected for a ride along. She was told during pre-flight training that if she had to eject she would shrink one inch permanently from the force generated.

Re: More annoying: The parents or their children?

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 1:50 pm
by decay1009
Our son started saying "F*** you" at 2 years old. We would correct him and say "rock you". We then took it too the next level and added the "We will, we will..." Now he says that constantly in situations he used to use the other phrase. Everyone around thinks it is so amazing he likes to sing Queen, and we just look at each other and laugh knowing what he REALLY wants to be saying.....

Sometimes substitution is easier than scolding- maybe try the old Red Foxx word that got by censors in the 70's- Mother Father. It has a similar enough ring to it and he may just buy it....

Re: More annoying: The parents or their children?

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 3:33 pm
by BRWombat
decay1009 wrote:Our son started saying "F*** you" at 2 years old. We would correct him and say "rock you". We then took it too the next level and added the "We will, we will..." Now he says that constantly in situations he used to use the other phrase. Everyone around thinks it is so amazing he likes to sing Queen, and we just look at each other and laugh knowing what he REALLY wants to be saying.....

Sometimes substitution is easier than scolding- maybe try the old Red Foxx word that got by censors in the 70's- Mother Father. It has a similar enough ring to it and he may just buy it....
This may be insufferably cute, but my wife & I have continued a tradition started among some college roommates -- the universal cuss word, useful for any situation, is "door." It is four letters, after all. If we're really upset, "garage door."

It's gotten so accepted, that if we use the word "door" in any normal context, our kids jokingly accusing us of using foul language.

Re: More annoying: The parents or their children?

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 7:32 pm
by StephM
Well I have an update on Johnnie. We made it through the entire night at Grandpa's without hearing THE word. However, apparently at some point, he picked up "sonofabitch"...cuz he DID say that. Fortunately, Grandma was in the house and Grandpa has a sense of humor. It did not hurt that when he said it, he sounded remarkably like Sheriff Buford T Justice. :D:

Anyway, here we are 5 days later and he not saying either one!! He has moved on to using "aw barnacles!" Bless my 12 year old and the Square One.

I had visions of Goofy dropping the autograph book in 2 weeks and my angel letting one fly. :eek:

Re: More annoying: The parents or their children?

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 8:01 pm
by stefunierocks
last time i was at MGM, we were walking up to Rock N Roller Coaster and excited over only a 10 min wait. Well this family is blocking the entrance due to an argument with the CM whos checking height. He wasnt that assertive, and he kept calmly explaining that the kid was too short. And the dad kept saying hes ridden it before blah blah blah

Usually I walk around the SG's and get in line. But his man was um.. large. So i couldn get around him. So i stood there for a min. And then when the CM explained for the millionth time that it wasnt gonna happen I said

'Hey (insert name of CM), Just let the kid ride. Obviously his dad isnt concerned with the fact that since he's too short he could slip out of his seat and fly out and DIE. Maybe they're looking for a reason to have a lawsuit.'

Well the dad GLARED at me. grabbed his sons arm and huffed off. The CM thanked me. And i went ahead and enjoyed my tour of G-forice records.

I hate people.

Re: More annoying: The parents or their children?

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 1:17 am
by Big Wallaby
You know, I am going to have to purposely go to a Disney park at the same time as you and hope we run into a SG.