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Re: Be a SG, and you get Rewarded!!!!!

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 10:05 am
by BRWombat
felinefan wrote:...It's a fact that shoplifters usually have enough money on them to buy whatever it was they stole.
True. In at least half of the thefts I prosecute out of the big box stores, the defendant goes through the checkout line with a substantial amount of purchases, but doesn't bother paying for some piddly little item they surreptitiously slipped into their pocket. Not accidentally either -- the security staff is great about detecting suspicious behavior early and tracking them in person or on camera, and they see the people look around to see if they're being watched, duck into another aisle, remove price tags, etc., before putting the item in their pocket. I've seen a couple of times where the individual bought over $100 of merchandise and was nabbed for taking something <$20 at the same time.

Re: Be a SG, and you get Rewarded!!!!!

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 11:29 am
by ktulu
BRWombat wrote:True. In at least half of the thefts I prosecute out of the big box stores, the defendant goes through the checkout line with a substantial amount of purchases, but doesn't bother paying for some piddly little item they surreptitiously slipped into their pocket. Not accidentally either -- the security staff is great about detecting suspicious behavior early and tracking them in person or on camera, and they see the people look around to see if they're being watched, duck into another aisle, remove price tags, etc., before putting the item in their pocket. I've seen a couple of times where the individual bought over $100 of merchandise and was nabbed for taking something <$20 at the same time.
I told you it fell from the shelf into my pocket, I had no idea!

Re: Be a SG, and you get Rewarded!!!!!

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 1:16 pm
drcorey wrote:ok, I have a lawsuit. ate mexican food in the park and late that night I farted so hard I ruined my underware. would have made Brer Bear run away in fear.
sharted them good. I want a free AP for life! :D:
Hmmm, what a crappy deal!!!

Re: Be a SG, and you get Rewarded!!!!!

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 8:01 pm
by Syndrome
Maybe they need to bring Judge Mathis in to run WDW security and put the smackdown on SG parents who don't think little Suzy or Timmy would ever ever do anything wrong.

He had a case today where a teen babysitter was accused of stealing jewelry from a home where she was working (the homeowner sold at jewelry shows for a living so there was more than you'd find in an average household). When stuff started turning up missing, she called Babysitter (BS) thinking maybe her kid (toddler) had put stuff in BS's bag. Lo and behold, BS says, "Yes, there are three items in my bag" but two of the items had actually been missing a much longer time...the woman had noticed pieces missing for a while but didn't connect right away.

BS looked great on paper....honor roll student, lots of volunteer work, school clubs and organizations, band, etc. Daddy swore up and down that his precious innocent angel would never, ever even think of stealing. But the police who investigated and the DA's office both thought different...she almost got prosecuted by the DA and only escaped that through a procedural error, which the woman had documentation of.

With BS being a minor, the only way for Jewelry Lady to win would be to prove that daddy had been negligent in supervising her. Mathis said that normally that would be very hard to prove but he was sick of daddy's enabling and constant insistance that there wasn't even a .00000000001% chance she had done it, despite the police and DA. He ruled that the enabling meant that he was negligent and slapped him with a judgment of more than $4000. Woo hoo!

Re: Be a SG, and you get Rewarded!!!!!

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 9:14 pm
by felinefan
Though I like Judge Mathis, you gotta love Judge Judy! No BS gets past her, and if you try to slip some by her, she'll shoot you down pronto! And you can just forget about trying to shout her down; same thing. She doesn't take crap from anybody! She should be head of Disney Security!

Visualize SGs trembling in sheer terror. :twisted: :D:

Re: Be a SG, and you get Rewarded!!!!!

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 11:06 pm
by ktulu
Judge Judy tells clowns to stop clowning around, and they do.

I think though, that Chuck Norris should be head of Disney Security. That could be the morning show at each park, the SGs from previous day would get round house kicked by Chuck Norris.

Re: Be a SG, and you get Rewarded!!!!!

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 11:22 pm
by hobie16
A paparazzi broke into Chuckie's house and got this picture in his bathroom. No wonder he's so mean.


Re: Be a SG, and you get Rewarded!!!!!

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 12:59 am
by smart1hermione
At my new job, the break room TV is always playing daytime court shows.

People this stupid shouldn't be allowed outside, let alone in contact with others.

Love the grater-roll.

Re: Be a SG, and you get Rewarded!!!!!

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 3:49 am
by DisneyMom
I always told my kids to watch the court shows so they could see what happens when you loan the friend money, or get them a cell phone, et cetera.
Despite my teaching, youngest son has a friend who went all kinds of stupid on him after Graduation, over a girl....
I always wanted to meet Judge Judy..... :rolleyes:

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 4:25 am
by PapaMouse
felinefan wrote:I think Disney managment needs two things: 1.) Cameras that catch guests in the act, and the video shown to them when confronting them; and 2.) To grow a set of balls so they aren't afraid to confront guests who misbehave. If they don't watch out, they're going to go the way Knott's and Six Flags have gone, to the ghetto. Disney should reward guests who obey rules, etc. and punish those who attack characters, and everything else. They don't need that kind of guest in the park. If the guests say they'll tell everybody they know not to patronize Disney, two things are going to happen: 1.) nothing, and 2.) the only ones who get warned will be as scummy, if not scummier, than the ones who got kicked out of the park. Good riddance to them, I say.
I think if they would get #1 then #2 would be a lot easier to grow.

Remember that without 100% proof that would hold in court, Disney's hands are tied. But with video, then the family wouldn't stand a chance in court.