I've Had enough, Pregnancy is not a f%#&*%g dissability.

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Re: I've Had enough, Pregnancy is not a f%#&*%g dissability.

Post by Shorty82 » Sat Jan 19, 2008 10:07 am

Randy B wrote:I may might have been very "helpful" with "It seems that this may be a reoccuring problem so I suggest you get a wheelchair from your resort so you will always have a seat while waiting for the monorails." Or maybe "If standing is causing your pregnant daughter this much discomfort you should have a doctor give her an exam. As early in the pregnancy as she seems to be, this much trouble may be a sign of trouble. I am only looking out for the health and safety of our valued guests." If either can be delivered with a look of strong concern on your face you can't be accused of anything. Of course the next time after that, you should express even more concern and offer to be helpful by calling for a doctor. The level of fear under the denial can give you an indication of what the scam quotient is. (Among other things such a medic would be able to ascertain that the daughter is pregnant and not just overweight.) And how could anyone accuse you of anything wrong when you are properly offering to give the best service for a guest that has inspired a natural concern for her health and well being. Right? ;)

Of course this all depends on your ability to provide the correct (if possibly just a bit dramatic) body language.

I love it!
Big Wallaby wrote:I still say that if his daughter is 16 and pregnant, they have issues that deserve staying home and dealing with them. Screw the fact that this is the only time Daddy could get vacation, blah blah blah... He and Mommy obviously didn't raise Tammy properly, or she wouldn't be in this predicament right now. Either way, sixteen and pregnant, she belongs somewhere besides Disney World.
If I had a daughter and she got pregnant that young she'd be lucky if I didn't ground her for life, let alone kill her. She definitely wouldn't be going to WDW or anywhere like that. I might never allow her to go again. Grandkid on the other hand would get to go and go a lot. I wouldn't punish him/her for their mom's stupidity (getting pregnant at 16 is just plain stupid).

All this is just theoretical, of course. I don't even have a GF let alone am married nor do I have any kids or have the desire right now to ever have any.

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Re: I've Had enough, Pregnancy is not a f%#&*%g dissability.

Post by Whazzup » Sat Jan 19, 2008 10:14 am

Shorty82 wrote:I love it!

If I had a daughter and she got pregnant that young she'd be lucky if I didn't ground her for life, let alone kill her. She definitely wouldn't be going to WDW or anywhere like that. I might never allow her to go again. Grandkid on the other hand would get to go and go a lot. I wouldn't punish him/her for their mom's stupidity (getting pregnant at 16 is just plain stupid).

All this is just theoretical, of course. I don't even have a GF let alone am married nor do I have any kids or have the desire right now to ever have any.
But at least you've got your head on straight if you ever get around to having kids. :D:

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Re: I've Had enough, Pregnancy is not a f%#&*%g dissability.

Post by Shorty82 » Sat Jan 19, 2008 10:21 am

Whazzup wrote:But at least you've got your head on straight if you ever get around to having kids. :D:
Eventually I could make a good father but I do know I am definitely not ready now and won't be any time soon. I really have no desire to be a parent ever. I love kids, but other people's kids.

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Re: I've Had enough, Pregnancy is not a f%#&*%g dissability.

Post by Whazzup » Sat Jan 19, 2008 10:24 am

Shorty82 wrote:Eventually I could make a good father but I do know I am definitely not ready now and won't be any time soon. I really have no desire to be a parent ever. I love kids, but other people's kids.
That's what a lot of us say until the time comes when it's your turn to be a parent. You just wait......

Oh, and I'd much prefer my own kid to someone else's, since I'd have a lot more control over their behavior.

How are you doing, Shorty? Have you grown webbed feet yet? My yard is underwater and Gidget is hiding out in her stall.

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Re: I've Had enough, Pregnancy is not a f%#&*%g dissability.

Post by Shorty82 » Sat Jan 19, 2008 10:37 am

Whazzup wrote:How are you doing, Shorty? Have you grown webbed feet yet? My yard is underwater and Gidget is hiding out in her stall.
Doing good. Glad I live in the highest part of town, especially after hearing your yard is underwater. I hadn't really looked out today until just now and I see there's a lot of water around my patio, it shouldn't get any higher. That's normal and will drain off quick enough once the rain stops.

I wouldn't be surprised that if it rains to much more the complex maintenance man is going to have to pump out the water from under a couple of the buildings, including this one. It never gets high enough to flood the buildings but won't drain off on its own.

To miserable of a day to really go anywhere, I'm glad I don't have to work today.

Around here, however, we don’t look backwards for very long.

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and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.

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Re: I've Had enough, Pregnancy is not a f%#&*%g dissability.

Post by Whazzup » Sat Jan 19, 2008 11:25 am

Shorty82 wrote:Doing good. Glad I live in the highest part of town, especially after hearing your yard is underwater. I hadn't really looked out today until just now and I see there's a lot of water around my patio, it shouldn't get any higher. That's normal and will drain off quick enough once the rain stops.

I wouldn't be surprised that if it rains to much more the complex maintenance man is going to have to pump out the water from under a couple of the buildings, including this one. It never gets high enough to flood the buildings but won't drain off on its own.

To miserable of a day to really go anywhere, I'm glad I don't have to work today.
It's a good afternoon to go to the :library: or to the movies and indulge in a box of popcorn.

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Re: I've Had enough, Pregnancy is not a f%#&*%g dissability.

Post by Princess Susi » Sat Jan 19, 2008 11:30 am

Theme Park Where wrote:Honestly, one of the problems I have with people who use the disability system (even those who are legitimately disabled) is those who use it to get MORE than equal treatment. This father was doing just that.
I guess I am not understanding what *getting MORE than equal treatment* is by the disabled.

I spent my first time in a wheelchair in DL last trip and I would never have thought to ask to get any better than what Disney offers the disabled. And let me tell you...Disney takes REALLY good care of the disabled. They really do. The CMs go out of their way to help and point out the best ways through the park on a chair and they are so careful with you when you hurt! My hat is off to them. I would never think to ask for MORE! What exactly is this *more* they think they can get? The disabled already have special designated viewing areas, bathrooms, chairs and scooters offered for rent, etc...etc...I think Disney is one of the BEST companies I have seen when it comes to making everything okay for the disabled, with the exception of going on attractions that they CANNOT GO ON ANYWAY WITH THEIR DISABILITY! I have heard some disabled people bitch that Indy should offer a car that does NOT bounce around that they could ride the attraction in *huh??? :confused: * and they should be made to offer *attraction vehicles* to the disabled on ALL attractions that they should NOT even be on! WTF!
I cannot comprehend what *MORE* they would be asking for!
Cranbiz wrote:Bungie cords and duck tape work the best :D:

I have had that pulled on a full bus, my reaction to them is to either wait for the next bus or stand with the other sardines.

I am not afraid to inform them that the guests that arrived first are loaded and seated first. They all paid a lot of money to come to WDW too!
Mmmmmmmmm....sardines! Actually I can't stand em, but I am willing to be one to get back to my Resort if there is room.
Driver_dylan wrote:So you will never believe it, Today I was at Magic Kingdom and I saw this group again. This time they were sticking it to one of our seasonal CM's using the same song and dance they had used on me a few nights ago. I couldn't believe my eyes. It just stinks what guests think they can get away with. This time however they didn't get their way, and were forced to wait for the next train even though the father wouldn't shut his mouth.
Holey Moley! What a pretentious bag of garbage this guy is. I am glad he did not get his way this time! What a shitball! Someone, *ME, if I had been there, should have let him know what a douchebag he is! I would have too...Poor Ralphie, he would have to deal with big mouth wife telling this douche to SHADDUP!*
Randy B wrote:I may might have been very "helpful" with "It seems that this may be a reoccuring problem so I suggest you get a wheelchair from your resort so you will always have a seat while waiting for the monorails." Or maybe "If standing is causing your pregnant daughter this much discomfort you should have a doctor give her an exam. As early in the pregnancy as she seems to be, this much trouble may be a sign of trouble. I am only looking out for the health and safety of our valued guests." If either can be delivered with a look of strong concern on your face you can't be accused of anything. Of course the next time after that, you should express even more concern and offer to be helpful by calling for a doctor. The level of fear under the denial can give you an indication of what the scam quotient is. (Among other things such a medic would be able to ascertain that the daughter is pregnant and not just overweight.) And how could anyone accuse you of anything wrong when you are properly offering to give the best service for a guest that has inspired a natural concern for her health and well being. Right? ;)

Of course this all depends on your ability to provide the correct (if possibly just a bit dramatic) body language.

Randy as always, you are a true voice of reason when I would simply as another guest, let this guy know what for!!!!!! :twisted:
Big Wallaby wrote:I still say that if his daughter is 16 and pregnant, they have issues that deserve staying home and dealing with them. Screw the fact that this is the only time Daddy could get vacation, blah blah blah... He and Mommy obviously didn't raise Tammy properly, or she wouldn't be in this predicament right now. Either way, sixteen and pregnant, she belongs somewhere besides Disney World.
Yeah, his little angel should be at home taking parenting classes along with him! He sure as heck does not know much about parenting if he allowed his little angel to get preggers at that age. If I had a daughter she would be training to be a nun...cause nuns don't get none!!!!!!! :p:
sues :twisted:

[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Hugging a Beluga is swell!

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Re: I've Had enough, Pregnancy is not a f%#&*%g dissability.

Post by Princess Susi » Sat Jan 19, 2008 11:40 am

Whazzup wrote:That's what a lot of us say until the time comes when it's your turn to be a parent. You just wait......
I never wanted children even when I was young. My first and only objective as a young woman was to go to college and have a career. Marriage did not even matter to me. If I met someone along the way, then good, if not, no great loss. It took me til I was 41 to *find* Ralph. It was meant to be. Neither of us wanted children and we love our life without them. I just could NOT see myself as *mommy*, though I adore other people's kids like there's no tomorrow.

Kids are great, they are not tainted by the adult world yet and I love to talk with them and given a chance, I would make a great 3rd or 4th grade teacher. :D: That is the age you get to take em on field trips to the creek and out to nature and show em cool stuff about the world! :D: :D: :D: I would LOVE that! I was such a precocious child myself and loved nature walks and digging around in the creeks and lakes and natural preserves nearby! I would love to have the opportunity to show kids that love of nature and amazement at the world around us, but I want them to go home at night to be with their parents. :)

Maybe I should work for the recreation dept or sumthin like that. Be a 4-H leader. I was in 4-H and loved it! :)
sues :p:

[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Hugging a Beluga is swell!

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Re: I've Had enough, Pregnancy is not a f%#&*%g dissability.

Post by Ms. Matterhorn » Sat Jan 19, 2008 11:52 am

Hey, maybe it was Jamie Lynn Spears! There seems to be no shame in a teenager getting pregnant anymore. A baby is wonderful gift, but for two parents who love each other and make a commitment for 18 years to raise the child.

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Re: I've Had enough, Pregnancy is not a f%#&*%g dissability.

Post by PapaMouse » Sat Jan 19, 2008 12:24 pm

Well, you know he didn't want his daughter/mama of his baby to be uncomfortable.

Help control A.D.D., Spank a kids ass.

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