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Re: An open letter to tonight's Candlelight Processional audience

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 9:27 am
by turkeyham
Ernie is in security, why is entertainment complaining? Eenie has been there for several years. I had no idea that the Flag Retreat was a show?
I know you have to stop doing everything and pay attention to the flag. I would tell them to let Ernie do his job and let him retire from the job that he loves. :)

Re: An open letter to tonight's Candlelight Processional audience

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 9:38 am
by ktulu
Main Streeter wrote:Yes Kman, Entertainment Dept. CM has been pushing & complaining abt Ernie & Flag Retreat for months. They said Flag Retreat looked more like a funeral. Has been an emotional rollercoaster for Ernie. I feared he might shuck it & go home to Va. We were ready to go to The Orange County Register & all news tv if great minds :rolleyes: hadn't met & suddenly seen reality. Ernie now carries Em of authorization in his wallet just incase. Good thinking K! Bet Walt did intervene :memribbon
Next time you see Ernie, let him know that there is a family in Texas who 1) will write letters, make calls and anything else they can do to make sure he can continue this very important tradition and 2) we're extremely thankful for everything he has and is doing :)

And hopefully we'll see him soon ;)

Re: An open letter to tonight's Candlelight Processional audience

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 2:22 pm
by Main Streeter
turkeyham wrote:Ernie is in security, why is entertainment complaining? Eenie has been there for several years. I had no idea that the Flag Retreat was a show?
I know you have to stop doing everything and pay attention to the flag. I would tell them to let Ernie do his job and let him retire from the job that he loves. :)
Entertainment took over a few yrs. ago because of the DL Band & Dapper Dan's. Where there is music, Entertainment Dept. is involved. Flag Retreat isn't under DL Security control.Flag Retreat is NOT a show! It is a ceremony. CMs used to have to stop when crossing or near Flag Retreat. Sadly, not the case in the last 4 yrs. turkeyham, if you feel this strongly - please write Entertainment Director. Ernie can still use all the support he can get. None of us want to go through this painful mess/mistake again. I have the Entertainment Director's name. Will share via pm if any would like.

Re: An open letter to tonight's Candlelight Processional audience

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 2:30 pm
by Main Streeter
ktulu wrote:Next time you see Ernie, let him know that there is a family in Texas who 1) will write letters, make calls and anything else they can do to make sure he can continue this very important tradition and 2) we're extremely thankful for everything he has and is doing :)

And hopefully we'll see him soon ;)
Thank you Ktulu. You are amazing! Will print this for Ernie & give to him today in K Lot. Your words & thoughts will absolutely make his day! :) :yourock:

Re: An open letter to tonight's Candlelight Processional audience

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 8:43 pm
by Shorty82
Main Streeter wrote:Thank you Ktulu. You are amazing! Will print this for Ernie & give to him today in K Lot. Your words & thoughts will absolutely make his day! :) :yourock:
Same here. If they try to get rid of the Flag Retreat I'll be writing letters and making calls myself. I really enjoyed watching the DL Flag Retreat Ceremony and really liked Ernie. It is important for Disney to show their support of our troops and our patriotism. We were founded by patriotic people and I consider us a patriotic company. I always stop and salute the flag when the National Anthem is being played (I've done that for years, long before working at Disney) and sing "God Bless America" when I'm somewhere in Town Square during our Flag Retreat.

I feel all of the American CMs should stop and salute the flag when the National Anthem is being played (wouldn't be right to make the foreign cast salute our flag). Really bugs me when I see American guests only half saluting the flag and continuing to walk somewhere. When the National Anthem plays you STOP and SALUTE the flag, you don't keep going. That's how I was raised and what I always do. Then again, I'm also very patriotic and supportive of our troops. I always wear a Mickey flag pin my vest and I usually try to thank anybody who shows a military ID when I ask for ID for their service.

Re: An open letter to tonight's Candlelight Processional audience

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 11:08 pm
by turkeyham
We have been warned to stop and wait for the flag to be lowered. Once security has cleared, it is safe to walk.

When Mo, Sherri and I went to Sea World, FL...We did stand up because we have NAVY and Air Force in our family. We enjoyed their military show. :)

Re: An open letter to tonight's Candlelight Processional audience

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 2:48 am
by DisneyMom
Main Streeter wrote:DM, I've been praying for an Em from you stating "HARPO." Hope this dream comes true. Thank you & family for all your efforts. :cool:
You would be the First to know. ;)

Re: An open letter to tonight's Candlelight Processional audience

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 1:02 am
by WarriorPoets1
Main Streeter wrote:Entertainment took over a few yrs. ago because of the DL Band & Dapper Dan's. Where there is music, Entertainment Dept. is involved. Flag Retreat isn't under DL Security control.Flag Retreat is NOT a show! It is a ceremony. CMs used to have to stop when crossing or near Flag Retreat. Sadly, not the case in the last 4 yrs. turkeyham, if you feel this strongly - please write Entertainment Director. Ernie can still use all the support he can get. None of us want to go through this painful mess/mistake again. I have the Entertainment Director's name. Will share via pm if any would like.
Wait a second, back up the train a stop or two...

Was there EVER serious discussion of doing away with Flag Retreat? If so, are you KIDDING me, Pyle? I thought Retreat had been around since the Park opened and had always been treated as a Security/Military thing. I always made a point of attending if I was in the park and trust me, I HELD my salute until the flag was off stage and I'm not even military. It's about respect for the flag, the country and those who serve it.

Sorry for the re-derailment.

On topic for a moment, I was surprised some posts upstream to hear that any VIPs who read for Candlelight were there because, oh, THEY WANTED TO BE. It should be like singing for We Are The World, check your ego at the door, people!

Re: An open letter to tonight's Candlelight Processional audience

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 7:02 am
by Main Streeter
WarriorPoets1 wrote:Was there EVER serious discussion of doing away with Flag Retreat? If so, are you KIDDING me, Pyle? I thought Retreat had been around since the Park opened and had always been treated as a Security/Military thing. I always made a point of attending if I was in the park and trust me, I HELD my salute until the flag was off stage and I'm not even military. It's about respect for the flag, the country and those who serve it.
Update concerning Flag Retreat @ DLR. A change has once again taken place after Ernie was personally told & Emd he could resume honoring veterans during Flag Retreat. Entertainment Dept. wants every move scripted with no American Flag given to an American Veteran. After a very long midnight cell call there is a real possibility Ernie won't be allowed to continue doing his Flag Retreat he so passionately believes in. He states Christmas Day will be the last day he'll participate in Flag Retreat if Entertainment Dept. insists on giving the orders.

Flag Retreat has been at DL in one form or another since 1955. Flag Retreat was not & still isn't totally military. The ceremony is done military style because Ernie is a 22 yr. USMC Veteran & knows perfect retreat protocol. This was not always the case. Security was in charge of Flag Retreat for many yrs. until Entertainment Dept. took over. Read earlier posts in this thread. There was never discussion regarding ending Flag Retreat! Ernie simply wants to give the lowered, folded American Flag to a veteran to hold during singing of God Bless America. After the ceremony the flag is escorted bacstage. Entertainment Dept. has an issue with this & has stated The American Flag is not to be given to anyone. Seems Legal Dept. is now involved & must make a ruling. :mad:

Re: An open letter to tonight's Candlelight Processional audience

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 7:50 am
by GaTechGal
Wow. For all the money that Disney takes in every year and they can't give a flag a day to a veteran. Just sad. Makes me very disappointed.