Videos of SGs at Universal

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Re: Videos of SGs at Universal

Post by SandrA9810 » Tue Jul 07, 2009 1:34 pm

The only time I've seen some one jump on the tram was in the MK parking lot. A lady was sitting on the outside and the family sitting in the middle needed to get off. She hopped off and was helping the lady put the stroller up since the father was tending to the other children. The guy in the back gave the all clear and the driver honked twice. Then she jumped back on as the tram started to move, she was only a few feet away from the tram when it started to go.
Every one had a laugh and even the CM in the back told her next time just yell. She was like I was just trying to be nice to the lady, I don't get off for like 2 more stops.

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