Railroads to Space Shuttles

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Re: Railroads to Space Shuttles

Post by sandravb79 » Mon May 18, 2009 6:17 am

turkeyham wrote:My dad worked at TRW and also NASA. I did talk to one of his students who is an austronaut (sp). He said to get a shuttle ready, she hoist it onto a fuel tank and load it onto a large platform train. From the main wearhouse to the launch pad can take a week and a half. They move it slowly so nothing breaks. Eventually I do have to plan and see a launch. When that happens, I am not sure. Check it out: his name is Dolald Pettit.
When we visited KSC in October 2007, the shuttle was in place to be launched (it should have been launched that day we visited, our whole trip was scheduled around the launch, but then they delayed it, argh!). That special thing to move it over the rails from the warehouse to the launch platform however was there, it was very impressing!
And yes, the guide said it moves very very very slowly.

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