AP question

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AP question

Post by pnutshuman » Fri Sep 23, 2005 5:26 pm

does anyone here know AP policy, I am wanting to get one soon, but cannot afford the premium, can i get the lower priced one and them upgrade to the premium one a couple months later? hope its cool for me to ask this here, i know you all know the rules and such. thanks!!

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Re: AP question

Post by Seussgirl » Fri Sep 23, 2005 6:00 pm

I don't know if I can post a link to another site here, but if you are looking for info on tickets and AP's the best forum to go to is http://www.disboards.com. I don't know that alot of people would know that here unless they work in ticketing.

Guest: What time does the park close?
Me: 5 minutes ago.
Guest: Are there any rides still open?
Me: No, the park's closed.
Guest: So, there's no rides still open?

I'm so glad I'm just seasonal!!! :rolleyes:

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Re: AP question

Post by Anna » Fri Sep 23, 2005 9:28 pm

You can upgrade to the premium AP by paying the differrence btween the price of the AP and the PAP. It is not prorated though.

"What if I decide I want to change to a PAP after I already used my AP?

You can do this. It will be handled just like any other pass upgrade. There was a time that you could upgrade your AP to a PAP simply by paying the prorated difference on the remaining time of your AP. (Example: a $120 cost difference translates to $12 per month. If you had 3 months to run on your AP it would have cost you $36 to upgrade to a PAP that would expire when your old AP did.) But there have been reports that Disney will no longer pro-rate an AP for this. If you want to upgrade an AP to a PAP now you will be charged the entire price difference ($120 in the example) for whatever time you have remaining on the AP."


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