I don't know how custodial does it...

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I don't know how custodial does it...

Post by BirdMom » Thu Apr 14, 2005 12:13 am

I was thinking of all those poor, overworked, underappreciated sweepers... The last owners of our house left one of those long-handled pans like custodial uses, and I was trying to clean up after my husband mowed the lawn, and frankly, I just can't get the hang of quickly and accurately getting stuff into the pan. I did spend a lot of time trying to sweep up pine needles during lulls over at Bear Band - well, same result - I just couldn't catch on. So I have to say, I have a lot more respect for custodial 10 years later just from the perspective of having to do some of that custodial-type-stuff around the house that I didn't have to do living in an apartment ;) You guys are the best.

[font=Palatino Linotype]Veni, Vidi, Velcro...[/font] [font=Comic Sans MS]I came, I saw, I got stuck.[/font]

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