You Know It's Busy When...

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Wide-eyed Newcomer
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Re: You Know It's Busy When...

Post by DisneylandIs101 » Mon Apr 04, 2005 3:58 am

...Winnie the Pooh seems like it needs Fastpass back
...Churros 6 is across from the Mansion instead of next to it so Mansion CM's have room to extend the line (then back to the original spot in the evening so Fantasmic GC doesn't yell at us)
...Stockers are being told to take out smaller loads (though, to be fair, I often took out loads taller than myself and heavier than a churro wagon), then being chastized when wagons are out of water can pull some cushy Glow double-time

If I have offended, I apologize from the bottom of my admittedly hypothetical heart.

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Re: You Know It's Busy When...

Post by cathoswolf » Tue Apr 05, 2005 5:36 am

You are double loading and unloading on book and the line goes back around towards small world. You have a line all through Tarzan's treehouse and people trying to enter through the exit.
I both hated and loved working extended hours for Fantasmic. More money but even more stupid people. That ask you what is going on.

"Please keep walking, if ya wanna see Fantasmic get under the rope."- my fave line when working walkways durning Fantasmic.

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Re: You Know It's Busy When...

Post by Stduck » Tue Apr 05, 2005 1:18 pm

-Mansion has made use of the extended queue and the lead really doesn't want to go look for the rope for the fountain queue. (or in case one year forgot where it was)
-People complain about Mansion's 30 minute wait demanding fastpass
-It's 9am and K-lot is already getting full of cast members' cars
-You make the mistake of walking through adventureland to get to NOS and get stuck in front of Indy.

:ducks: Look Duckies!
These are the rafts TO the island. Not AROUND, not OVER, not UNDER and not THROUGH. Thank you for riding T. Saywer's shuttle service please visit again.

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Re: You Know It's Busy When...

Post by DLRFantasmic!Dan » Wed Apr 06, 2005 6:43 pm

- Astro Orbitor has an extended queue
- HISTA FINALLY uses the switch backs, the chained line, and still needed an extended queue!!
- HISTA has to go 101 due to lack of glasses, glasses can't be washed fast enough!!!
-Leads from 'It's Tough To Be A Bug" and Muppet Vision 3D" call over to the HISTA Googles wawshroom to see of any of their cartful of glasses are clean yet!!!

Rocket Scientist at "HISTA"/ Astro Orbitor,
Space Ranger at Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters

RDCT Fireworks
From June 28, 2003 To October 4, 2006 - Once A DL CM, Always A DL CM!

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Re: You Know It's Busy When...

Post by GMC » Wed Apr 06, 2005 10:31 pm

when indy standby reaches tiki, and indy fastpass reaches pirates.
the extended queue for indy fp dist, is looping over to the jungle entrance (it's in rehab we gunna use the space.) any attraction goes 104 and instantly restores the previous number of people in line. no matter how fast you group, the line doesn't seem to have an end to it.

Gimme some soft serve!

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Re: You Know It's Busy When...

Post by FerrisWheelJunkie » Thu Apr 07, 2005 3:17 pm

BRWombat wrote:Okay, I like Splash. It's a great ride. But I'm sorry, there is no freakin' way I'm waiting in line for 3 hours for it or any other ride in this world! :eek:
Well...yeah. The people in front of me asked the CM at the entrance if it was really that long, and she said yeah, but...y' never is, and I had time to kill. So I get in line...20 minutes later we literally had not moved, and I went off to the Fantasyland kid rides, since a good deal of the little ones were gone by that point (past their bedtimes...muahaha).

If you try to fail and succeed...what the hell did you just do?

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Re: You Know It's Busy When...

Post by LegoDan » Sun Apr 10, 2005 9:36 pm

this will sound sad to most of you but where i work if there are 2,000 people in our park half an hour after it opens it's gonna be busy (like 10,000 people (sad huh))

"Some days it takes all you've got just to keep up with the losers."

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Re: You Know It's Busy When...

Post by shorty1219 » Sun Apr 10, 2005 10:02 pm

LegoDan wrote:this will sound sad to most of you but where i work if there are 2,000 people in our park half an hour after it opens it's gonna be busy (like 10,000 people (sad huh))
Yes, that's sad. But at least you're willing to admit it.

~[font=Comic Sans MS]Rebel Justin[/font]~

[font=Tahoma]It started with a ended with management.[/font]
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Re: You Know It's Busy When...

Post by wazowski » Mon Apr 11, 2005 3:51 pm

people actually line up to ride "snow white's scary adventure"


hundreds more must be told to "stay out of pleasure island or else you'll turn into a donkey and we both know there are enough of those in fantasyland today!"

and finally...

"Hello there do you folks have a Guest Assistance Card?"
"We have a wheelchair"
"Unfortunately mamn I need to see the wheelchair to allow you folks to embark on your journey from this location."
"My husband is outside resting"
"I need him to come over here and either ride with you folks or at least show that he is using a wheelchair"
"But he's just in the shade over there (points to a brick wall)"
"I need to see the wheelchair to allow you to ride"
They leave and never return. Guess there wasn't a wheelchair after all. All for Pin. Sadness.

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Re: You Know It's Busy When...

Post by littlehope » Tue Apr 12, 2005 2:19 am are selling balloons and you have to go back and blow them up because your mangers sent your pro to a resturant to keep it open. have a $1500 + fund and your manger says "that's it? should have done more, at least two grand..." my response (see #1)

3....when DL-ODV only has 10 carts or less out

Is it over yet...nope just beginning

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