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Legoland California, yet another theme park in california

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 12:32 pm
by LegoDan
Ok, so i work at Legoland and have been working there for most of the time the park has been open, I've been there for 3 years (the park is 5 years old).

We do not have hadicap passes, if they are using a wheelchair the get to use the wheelchair entance, nothing special.

We also do not have any cups that get refills for free due to a previous lawsuit.
so anyways, this guy come up
GUY - I'd like a coke refill
ME - ok, that will be $1.07
GUY - but you said that they were free!
ME - I have never said that these cups get free refills
GUY - Let me talk to your manager (to unit lead) this guy won't give me a free refill
UNIT LEAD - that's because we don't
GUY - (continues to rant and rave about how i said that these cups get free refills and finally leaves) (oh wait then he comes back and says) you're a f***ing liar and this is f***ed up (then he leaves)

ME- (to my unit lead) i never said they were free but i may have said they get refills
UNIT LEAD - i was going to give him a refill to shut up but he threw it away

lego land may have less stupid guests (daily admission maxes at 8,000 normally) but they are still stupid

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 2:20 pm
by Stduck
Ooh I remember the free refill cups. Only good on day of purchase but we never really checked. Or even better when Legoland raised the prices and the guests got mad. I think Lego lost a lot of money on those free refill thingys. My shop would go through a case every other day of pink lemonade. When I worked there the summer without the stupid cups it took 4 days or more to go through pink lemonade.....

Yeah those were good times or when guests want refills of old cups we no longer sell anymore (ok if you're an AP for Legoland and you don't have kids under 10 you need help)

Re: Legoland California, yet another theme park in californi

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2005 2:32 am
by Rodger5678
LegoDan wrote:We do not have hadicap passes, if they are using a wheelchair the get to use the wheelchair entance, nothing special.
I used to work Attractions at Legoland (now Attractions at Disneyland), and I remember when they got rid of those stupid things. Man, did we ever have to hear an earfull.