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If the line is over there, DON'T stand over here and make a new line!

Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 8:05 pm
by Freak
Title says it all. I'm not sure why guests do it either. You can have a healthy line going and up comes SG standing completely out of line demanding service. Two things will happen:

CM will let SG know that there's a line and SG needs to wait in said line, as guests in line were there before SG.


SG will get all upset trying to figure out why they aren't being served right there and then.

One of my more memorable moments was when a guest decided to "make their own line" and when (kindly) addressed by the CM, SG (rudely) told the CM that they "are right behind those people in line." CM pauses, looks at SG, and (kindly) addresses SG again letting them know that the line is not where they were standing.

SG gets huffy, leaves. Other guests watch SG get huffy, some chuckle at SG.

Re: If the line is over there, DON'T stand over here and make a new line!

Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 8:42 pm
by darph nader
I'm sure the line is right there,,just in a different time line. ;)

Re: If the line is over there, DON'T stand over here and make a new line!

Posted: Sat May 07, 2011 12:59 am
by turkeyham
Wait until the CM locks the beverage cart on the side where the SG tries to open.
Smart CM's do that to avoid shop lifters.

Why is it when there is a beverage display out and the SG claims they can see ice cream? Show us the magical drugs! :eek:

SG: I want a chocolate drum stick.
CM: We don't sell ice cream on the hot foods cart.
As a reminder there is IC 16 less than 50 feet of the hot foods cart.
SG: Then what is in the cart next to you?
CM: Soft drinks and water.
SG: Do you have Red Bull?
CM: We don't sell that on our carts. :rolleyes:

Re: If the line is over there, DON'T stand over here and make a new line!

Posted: Sat May 07, 2011 2:35 pm
by felinefan
Wouldn't it be great if Red Bull really did give them wings? Then they can fly away and out of the park (hopefully)! Just hope they don't emulate a pigeon and.... :eek:

Re: If the line is over there, DON'T stand over here and make a new line!

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 1:31 am
by 5th Dimension
felinefan wrote:Wouldn't it be great if Red Bull really did give them wings? Then they can fly away and out of the park (hopefully)! Just hope they don't emulate a pigeon and.... :eek:
You sure you want SGs flying around? Don't you think they'll fly around over Disney property, crash into each other, and sue Disney for whiplash?

Re: If the line is over there, DON'T stand over here and make a new line!

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 10:19 am
by Freak
I don't think they'd clear the trees. :\

Re: If the line is over there, DON'T stand over here and make a new line!

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 2:34 pm
by PatchOBlack
Freak wrote:I don't think they'd clear the trees. :\
Okay, suddenly I'm thinking of something from the game Team Fortress 2.

One of the characters you can play is called the scout, who is shown to be something of a baseball fan, and carries a bat as one of his weapons. If the player uses the "taunt" command when carry a particular version of said bat, the scout will perform an animation where he points out to the horizon, then takes a swing with his bat. Now, if anyone is dumb enough to be standing in front of the Scout when he swings, he will find himself being launched into the air and heading out of the park, as it were.

I'm sure there are a few SG who CMs wouldn't mind see ejected in this fashion... :cat1:

Re: If the line is over there, DON'T stand over here and make a new line!

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 12:45 pm
by Alyssa3467
A lot of people, Guest and CM alike, seem to not understand the concept of having one line feed multiple registers. I've had multiple occasions where I joining a CM at the registers and I start pulling from the existing line, only to wind up inheriting the line after the CM decides to move to a different register and start a whole new line. :mad: Another thing that happens a lot more than it probably should is Guests forming a new line, and the other CM letting it happen, while I spiel and say that there is only one line.

I can never seem to get these CMs to understand that having 1 longer line is better than having 2 shorter lines. You don't wind up with Guests who are annoyed because one cashier is faster than another (and therefore one line is faster than another), and because there are multiple cashiers serving the single line, the line doesn't come to a screeching halt when someone needs a potty break, has a lot of things to wrap/bag/etc, has a complicated transaction that requires supervisory attention...

Re: If the line is over there, DON'T stand over here and make a new line!

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 10:07 pm
by Freak
Yeah, that's another non-favorite. Never liked the "clump" that happens when one line just gets absorbed into another one.

Re: If the line is over there, DON'T stand over here and make a new line!

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 8:14 am
by GaTechGal
Alyssa3467 wrote:A lot of people, Guest and CM alike, seem to not understand the concept of having one line feed multiple registers. I've had multiple occasions where I joining a CM at the registers and I start pulling from the existing line, only to wind up inheriting the line after the CM decides to move to a different register and start a whole new line. :mad: Another thing that happens a lot more than it probably should is Guests forming a new line, and the other CM letting it happen, while I spiel and say that there is only one line.

I can never seem to get these CMs to understand that having 1 longer line is better than having 2 shorter lines. You don't wind up with Guests who are annoyed because one cashier is faster than another (and therefore one line is faster than another), and because there are multiple cashiers serving the single line, the line doesn't come to a screeching halt when someone needs a potty break, has a lot of things to wrap/bag/etc, has a complicated transaction that requires supervisory attention...
I don't understand why folks have such a problem doing this. Banks have been queueing this way for years.