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Sitting on handrails and chains...

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 12:50 pm
by PrncssCinderAlly
you have to love those people who always have to sit or lean on something, even if there is only a five minute wait. Either way, at mansion all we have are chains in the cue on a slow day so natually guests tend to want to sit, swing, jump over, and more or less just do whatever they please with them. But it seems like about once a month you tell them the ususal "dont sit on the chains please, they break cuz they arent designed to sustain your weight." And some smart allack desides rules dont apply to them and the chain breaks right out from under them. you want to laugh and the other people in line tend to. What is it about human beings that we have to test things. If we are told something is unsafe we automatically decide its our job to prove why. lol i dont get it :lol:

anyone else have these guests proving themselves dumb moments??

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 4:49 pm
by kutisusie
I was walking past Dumbo one day and saw a small child speww about three lunches worth in front of the queue entrance. Being a responsible lead, I moved tracshcans, called custodial on the radio and stood guard to divert people around the mess until custodial showed up. There was this one man that came up to me and I told him to please walk around. He looked at me, and said why? So I told him, and he said, well, I'll be careful, and the dumb jerk walked right through the middle. Well after he did that, a whole bunch of other guests did too. They did this even after I asked them not to do so. I swear., You would think I had asked them to walk to the other side of the ride, when I asked them to walk five feet! :bang:

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 6:35 pm
As I mentioned before, we've had our fair share of CFA runs for people who sit on the ropes and fall down because they snap. The worst is when they sit on a rope that's attached to a rollaway and fall down when it collapses, then they just get back up and sit on another one.

Another really stupid one is when I see someone sitting on the ropes and I ask them not to sit on them FOR THEIR OWN SAFETY (I always emphasize this point) and they or the parents just look at me like I'm saying it to exercise my vocal chords or something. Sometimes if I'm really annoyed I'll follow up with, "I meant now."

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 7:06 pm
by techie-13
Okay, not really a stupid guest trick as much as an "I don't have to follow your rules trick." I work on a pyro crew and we will often fence off the area around our racks with caution tape or if there is a fence with a gate we will zip tie the gate shut. Granted, the tape line or fence could be about 100' away from the actual racks but we will get these idiots that see it blocked off and STILL cross over or under it. The usual response is "why is it closed? it's open every other day!" We once had an idiot whose reply was "it said caution, I'm using caution." The most obnoxious reply to us yelling at them to get out of the area is "This is public property and I'm entitled to use it because I pay taxes" Yeah! I know it's a public park and all but we were hired by the City to use the park to put on the show, so be sure to explain that one to the other taxpayers who want this fireworks show, that we had to cancel the setup because you decided that you had to fly a kite in the middle of our safety zone during setup.
Okay, sorry, I'm just a little bitter about certain types of idiots! :roll:

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 8:56 pm
by Freak
techie-13 wrote:I know it's a public park and all but we were hired by the City to use the park to put on the show, so be sure to explain that one to the other taxpayers who want this fireworks show, that we had to cancel the setup because you decided that you had to fly a kite in the middle of our safety zone during setup.
Heh, I'd just aim one of the tubes towards the kite and blow it out of the sky...maybe it'd hit the person flying it too... :twisted:

public property?

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 9:04 pm
by imissRBT
ugh they think they have a right to cross it cuz they pay taxes? does that mean they have a right to walk through wet cement or sit on the freeway? gosh people can come up with really lame excuses and expect u to be like "oh well in THAT case....."

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 9:04 pm
by coldfire409
I love it when they decide to sit on the ropes that are attached to a rollaway stanchion. I once had a chan reaction of errors happen when one idiot decided to sit on the rope and obvoisly it fell because it was attached to a rollaway. Although not only did that one fall, but almost the entire queue because we had to ropes streatched as tight as they could go. :roll:

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 11:13 pm
by SweetAurora
Speaking of the chains/ropes things, I fondly recall my boyfriend telling me about the time he and a friend watched a trio of rather heavyset girls swinging and giggling on our ride's queue rope. He spieled over and over again for them to remove their butts, but they just ignored him. His friend actually counted down the seconds until the rope collapsed and SPLAT. They all came tumbling down.

How about people who get their hands, arms, feet, fingers, etc. stuck in the WIERDEST or STUPIDEST places...I see that a lot, for sure.

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 11:24 pm
by Thatguy
YES!!.... one time jungle went 101 because a lady got her knee caught in the slats of the wall of the queue.

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2004 3:40 pm
by techie-13
At Great America, we would have small kids get their heads stuck in the slats of the queue line fence at Barney Oldfield's (our version of Autopia) several times a season. But the best one was a lady that got her leg jammed into the front of a Yankee Clipper boat (flume ride that held 7 to a boat and is no longer there) she got stuck riding the ride for about an hour while they tried to find a way to get her out. Her boat would come down the chute, into the station, they would try to get her free at her boat travelled around the wheel of a station and then as she got toward the dispatch side of the station, she would apologize for the hassle and go through the ride again.
Everyone felt bad for her because she was a REALLY nice guest. They finally took the boat out of circulation and cut it open to get her free.