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More Knott's Berry Tales

Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 11:47 pm
by dazyhill
I guess I could be considered a vetren of KBF. I didn't intend to be one , it just happend. I have worked long enough to know the park under family ownership and corporate ownership. I prefer the former.
I work in Merchandise so I have seen more than my fair share of stupid guests and even stupider employees.
I think my all-time favorite stupid guest was a lady who wanted to return a watch. Since I'm a SL (no I don't try to make my paperwork cutesy :) ) I had to issue the refund.
She was the ultimate Valley Girl-she even had the voice :!: She wanted to return the watch because the dial was "all goofy". Noticing it was a sport watch with a rotaing outer dial, I simply turned it until the the :60 was above the 12. I handed it back and said , "Here I fixed it." She replied "Oh was that all that was wrong with it? Oh never mind. She then left with the watch. I was on the floor for 10 min. as was my co-worker.
I think the author, David Koeing ("Mouse Tales") needs to write a book about Knott's next. There are more like me with tales to tell.