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"I was just testing you"

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 8:28 pm
by Mikey
A particular theme park company has several employee-fun nights which feature parts of the park open only to employees after normal hours.

The management staff is required to volunteer to provide staffing for these events. Somehow I wound up assisting Security, providing pedestrian direction at an intersection to keep closed areas closed. Maybe its because I like donuts and am pretty much a slacker at heart. Oh, Joy.

Everything went well for the first hour or so....

An employee who was dressed in the currently popular thug style was walking toward me. I suggested he turn to the right to continue to the event. He kept walking toward me. I repeated my suggestion. He continued walking directly toward me.

He finally stopped less than one foot from me, grinned and said "I was just testing you, and you didn't move. That's solid". He politely wished me a good night and went off down the correct pathway smiling and happy.

That was weird.

I wonder if in his "testing" he was considering how quickly he could have gotten fired or been carried off by the real police.

Sigh. I could write a book....

Re: "I was just testing you"

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 9:13 pm
by Disneyguy85
Mikey wrote:He finally stopped less than one foot from me, grinned and said "I was just testing you, and you didn't move. That's solid". He politely wished me a good night and went off down the correct pathway smiling and happy.
And here I thought that I had heard everything...