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It's not a zoo.

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 6:17 pm
by SkipperGordon
I was working the unload platform at Jaws yesterday and a guest came up the the gate to chat with me while waiting for his family to get off the ride.

SG: (pointing at the water) Are there gators in there?
Me: (theming) Seeing a gator in Massachusetts would be almost as unusual as spotting a great White!
SG: yeah, but this is Florida. Aren't there gators like everywhere? (I'm paraphrasing here)

He was a very nice man and we had a nice conversation about Florida wildlife and where to see it and and how to behave (He stuck me as the type who might try to feed a gator); but the idea of a gator in the water at the Jaws ride had me giggling for quite a while on my break. Death Match, anyone?

Re: It's not a zoo.

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 7:38 pm
by Noctourne Wonderland
SkipperGordon wrote:I was working the unload platform at Jaws yesterday and a guest came up the the gate to chat with me while waiting for his family to get off the ride.

SG: (pointing at the water) Are there gators in there?
Me: (theming) Seeing a gator in Massachusetts would be almost as unusual as spotting a great White!
SG: yeah, but this is Florida. Aren't there gators like everywhere? (I'm paraphrasing here)

He was a very nice man and we had a nice conversation about Florida wildlife and where to see it and and how to behave (He stuck me as the type who might try to feed a gator); but the idea of a gator in the water at the Jaws ride had me giggling for quite a while on my break. Death Match, anyone?
Please let me get a DAK joke out of my system-
A new breed of theme park: Universal Studios! Natahzu!
ok, I'm done now.

Aaaaaanywhoo, good job with the great white comment, theming is always great. Unfortunately, I now have the image of Jaws and an alligator fighting to the death on Martha's Vineyard. :rolleyes:

Re: It's not a zoo.

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 11:47 pm
Noctourne Wonderland wrote:Please let me get a DAK joke out of my system-
A new breed of theme park: Universal Studios! Natahzu!
ok, I'm done now.

Aaaaaanywhoo, good job with the great white comment, theming is always great. Unfortunately, I now have the image of Jaws and an alligator fighting to the death on Martha's Vineyard. :rolleyes:
Well, why NOT?? Lake Placid meets Jaws!!!

And the last scene of Lake placid shows wally on a flatbed heading south!!!

Re: It's not a zoo.

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 9:29 am
by ktulu
Crocodile for the win. ... re=related

It is a small shark though...

Re: It's not a zoo.

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 11:01 am
ktulu wrote:Crocodile for the win. ... re=related

It is a small shark though...
Hey...Tic Toc's gotta eat too!!!!



Re: It's not a zoo.

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 5:12 pm
by Doctor McKey
I may be able to beat that....

So i was once a Safari Driver.. in past life of course..... One day I had a bunch of redneck hunters on my truck... and yes I do have the right to call them rednecks... seeing that i am one... kind of.....

Any way... We had an animal stop near the White Rhino area and the people in question started to do animal calls to intice the Rhinos and the Ostriche to come to the trucks. After a few tries the critters started to wonder to us to figgure out what the hell this SG was doing...

i look at him via the mirror and say in my best Safari Guide voice....

"Sir, This is a photo safari and we do not call for the animals to come to us as i have film not ammo. Please do restrain yourself...."

Of course I do have the memory of Dorry and it could have gone over more like this....

"Sir... please do not piss the animals off... The Rhinos eat rednecks for lunch..."

I wounder which one i used... Hakuna Matata

The Doctor

Re: It's not a zoo.

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 12:42 am
by felinefan
I once saw a documentary on T.V., where they were betting on whether or not a lion could beat a crocodile. So since they were CGI teams, they each built a model of a lion and a croc. Then they put information about the physical characteristics of each, and set up a virtual battle between the lion and the croc. Through the whole thing the lion team kept saying the lion was gonna kick the croc's butt, while the croc team said the croc would win. They were right; the croc won with manuverability, stealth, and power, catching the lion and deathrolling until the virtual lion was killed by the virtual croc. Interesting to watch the process.

Re: It's not a zoo.

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 9:12 am
by hobie16
felinefan wrote:Interesting to watch the process.

Re: It's not a zoo.

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 11:13 am
by Shorty82
"We're sorry, this video is no longer available."

That's what YouTube tells me when I go to that video.

Re: It's not a zoo.

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 11:40 am
Shorty82 wrote:"We're sorry, this video is no longer available."

That's what YouTube tells me when I go to that video.
Thats because the Croc won!!
