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Why wait in line?

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 6:59 pm
by Tinker Bell
I hate line jumpers, really I do. I can understand if your child needs to go to the bathroom. Dude, I get it, I have been around little kids. I would never dream to penalize a mother/father and it's child for needing a bathroom, in good conscience I can't. So if anyone in the line needs to go to the bathroom I have no problem helping them. Heck, I have no problem helping adults that need to go also. As someone that has friends that sometimes can't control the urges I get that many times you can't control them. But dude, just dude, 18 people don't need to go the bathroom at the same time. It's just ridiculous and it pissed me off that the manager let them in. Why the *(&k can't people wait in a freaking line?! Do lines have some kind of disease I wasn't aware of? Lately, people have come to the idea of letting one person stand in line and let the others wait in a corner while they wait. Then when it's the time of them they are all helped get in the front of the line, sometimes by even managers. Then it pisses the hell out of me that we are left to deal with the rest of a very (and rightfully) pissed off line. Dude, if you are going to do that, be man/woman enough to own up to your actions.

GAC - I don't mean any disrespect but the constant abuse of this is not only getting to my last freaking nerve, but it's also giving me no faith that the system is being rightfully used.

It's a good thing that I will never be president of WDW, because this would be the first thing that I either eliminate or restrict rather heavily. One day I was outside and this lady comes in to take pictures and when she turns to leave she says to me "This things are great. I hate walking." That very same day a family stops me with a crying grandmother because they aren't any ECV available and there is a waiting list. The lady really needs it and at the same time there is someone inside that just don't want to walk that has one. Maybe it's my weird sense of fairness but 'hating to walk' is not a disability, that's laziness.

The best part is when in a designated location people don't want to wait. Never mind that thru the other side there is a 50 or so minute line. Apparently because I have a GAC, then it's fair for me to make others wait, I go first. Yes, I understand you have a dissability; yes, I get that you need assistance. I'll gladly give it, but dude be considerate towards others. I was under the impression that disabilities laws were to protect and give people equal opportunity not make them better. I'm I wrong about that?

Another thing that has become a real nerve twitching for me is parents who just can't wait in line to take pictures. Seriously, your kids will only be little once. They want to meet Mickey, Do the freaking line!!!! I have seen people tell kids that 20 minutes is too much. Are you serious? Then they proceed to rant about how long are the lines and how we really, for the price you pay, really should have no lines. Obviously these people have been living under the rock. Disney, a number one destination, around the world with no lines. That would be the day when Pigs fly. What breaks my heart is the faces of the little ones as they go away. The sad faces. The comments!!! Comments on how 'we don't do anything', 'I'm tired of walking and not get on anything' or so, really do break my heart. Again, I must be one hell of a freak. Because if I want to get on something I really do wait whatever time it takes.

It was rather refreshing being able to teach a guest on what they were really missing. Ariel's grotto always has a big line. A guest (I was in another location) ask me if they could see Ariel anywhere else. I told them no and explain where she was. Well the guy went off on how 40 minutes was too long blah, blah, blah. At this point I'm tired of the complaints and moans all day and all I could muster to say was:

"But your daughter really wants to meet her. Trust me, we won't waste your time. You'll love it and she'll love it too. Do you really want to look back 10 years from now and remember that your 4 year old daughter didn't get her picture with Ariel. Just go do it."

Ups, I hit a nerve. He walked off without a word. However, sometime later on he went back to the location (or was around the area) to thank me for sending him to Ariel's line. He was over the moon on how 'great Ariel was'. He then actually got why it took so long. It was nice to know that at least one child went home with that long dream picture. Because honestly I didn't think I could take another child's dissapointed face because Mommy or Daddy can't wait in line. You know you can't teach your child's patience if you don't have it yourself.

Sorry for the rant but I foolishly went to board X and it stir up all the week's frustration.

Re: Why wait in line?

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 10:21 pm
Tinker Bell wrote:I hate line jumpers, really I do. I
It was rather refreshing being able to teach a guest on what they were really missing. Ariel's grotto always has a big line. A guest (I was in another location) ask me if they could see Ariel anywhere else. I told them no and explain where she was. Well the guy went off on how 40 minutes was too long blah, blah, blah. At this point I'm tired of the complaints and moans all day and all I could muster to say was:
"But your daughter really wants to meet her. Trust me, we won't waste your time. You'll love it and she'll love it too. Do you really want to look back 10 years from now and remember that your 4 year old daughter didn't get her picture with Ariel. Just go do it."

Ups, I hit a nerve. He walked off without a word. However, sometime later on he went back to the location (or was around the area) to thank me for sending him to Ariel's line. He was over the moon on how 'great Ariel was'. He then actually got why it took so long. It was nice to know that at least one child went home with that long dream picture. Because honestly I didn't think I could take another child's dissapointed face because Mommy or Daddy can't wait in line. You know you can't teach your child's patience if you don't have it yourself.

Sorry for the rant but I foolishly went to board X and it stir up all the week's frustration.
They (board x) probably wanted to two block you from a yardarm!!

You can't tell the truth over there. When I first posted there, I did about an encounter with an SG and was taken to task for calling him ..err Stupid... to his face!

Thats when I discovered SGT!

The beauty of your story is, that you seemed to have turned one SG around! a worthy effort!!!

That tells me that you are trying your best to be the type of CM that MANY of us really appreciate!

Just keep smiling!!

Good job!!

Re: Why wait in line?

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 10:36 pm
by Canuikstan
Re: GAC's..

While my family was at the park, we witnessed a SG blatantly abuse the GAC.
I say blatantly, based on the assumption the GAC is issued to the person who requires assistance, and their support party, if i am mistaken, please feel free to correct me.

Anyway.. we were heading to the FP for Space Mountain and their was a large group of 10 or so in front of us, including 80 year old Grandmother in a wheelchair.

The group presented the pass to the FP greeter, who welcomed them in.. and they promptly threw (yes threw) the GAC pass at grandma and proceeded into the line leaving her to find some shade and wait for them,

But a glimmer of hope! The CM called them back.. would he say "Hey you can't do that!"? sadly no.. he told them they would need the GAC at the next gate, ran over to Grandma to retrieve the pass and hand it to the leader of the group.

Is this normal protocol for a GAC? I would think that hte guest who requires assistance would be a required member of the party utilising the pass..

Re: Why wait in line?

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 12:30 am
by Ms. Matterhorn
Canuikstan wrote:Re: GAC's..

While my family was at the park, we witnessed a SG blatantly abuse the GAC.
I say blatantly, based on the assumption the GAC is issued to the person who requires assistance, and their support party, if i am mistaken, please feel free to correct me.

Anyway.. we were heading to the FP for Space Mountain and their was a large group of 10 or so in front of us, including 80 year old Grandmother in a wheelchair.

The group presented the pass to the FP greeter, who welcomed them in.. and they promptly threw (yes threw) the GAC pass at grandma and proceeded into the line leaving her to find some shade and wait for them,

But a glimmer of hope! The CM called them back.. would he say "Hey you can't do that!"? sadly no.. he told them they would need the GAC at the next gate, ran over to Grandma to retrieve the pass and hand it to the leader of the group.

Is this normal protocol for a GAC? I would think that hte guest who requires assistance would be a required member of the party utilising the pass..
That's ridiculous. That is a SCM trick.

Re: Why wait in line?

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 4:09 am
by mechurchlady
The GAC is one per person only. It is only for the GAC holder AND up to 5 guests who accompany the GAC holder. Grandmother gets the GAC but it is only good if she rides.

The CM should have looked at the GAC and said that it is for Grandmother and 5 guests. The CM should never have let 10 people though. HOWEVER, maybe the CM was being mean, lol. The idiots could have used the GAC to go through the disabled line and then got to the next CM and be turned back, lol. Maybe even confiscate the GAC and call security. Disney cannot allow people to steal GACs can they, wink.

Re: Why wait in line?

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 5:27 am
by Main Streeter
mechurchlady wrote:Maybe even confiscate the GAC and call security.
DisneyLand Security Officers are stretched to the max!!! Any of you heard their calls this summer? :eek: The GACs are very low priority. There is no choice on this issue. As long as there are guests there will be blatant GAC & queue abuse.

Re: Why wait in line?

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 11:40 am
by DisneyMom
Main Streeter wrote:DisneyLand Security Officers are stretched to the max!!! Any of you heard their calls this summer? :eek: The GACs are very low priority. There is no choice on this issue. As long as there are guests there will be blatant GAC & queue abuse.
Tell us some of the calls you heard, please!!!!! ;)

Re: Why wait in line?

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 11:45 am
DisneyMom wrote:Tell us some of the calls you heard, please!!!!! ;)
I would imagine there is a LOT of shoplifters! And Drunk guests??

Re: Why wait in line?

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 3:20 pm
by joanna71985
One thing that really irratates me is when people save spots in line for several characters, then run their family members from each line. This isn't fair for the whole parties that wait in the line. This is especially true at the Power Rangers. They are out for a very short time, and some of the lines can be VERY long (especially for the Blue and Red Power Rangers). I wish there was something that could be done to stop this.

Canuikstan wrote:Re: GAC's..

While my family was at the park, we witnessed a SG blatantly abuse the GAC.
I say blatantly, based on the assumption the GAC is issued to the person who requires assistance, and their support party, if i am mistaken, please feel free to correct me....

Is this normal protocol for a GAC? I would think that hte guest who requires assistance would be a required member of the party utilising the pass..
No, this is not normal. For one thing, there is a limit to how many people can use it. For another, the person for who the GAC is for has to go on the ride.

Re: Why wait in line?

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 5:17 pm
by Christine43
Because of GAC abuse from some families, are CMs getting jaded toward the whole GAC system? I have two coming to WDW on the autistic spectrum but we only get one GAC card because only one twin really needs it and we stay together. I would hate to think a CM is thinking "great, here's another one" as we hand him our card because we're definitely not abusing it but others who are are making us all look bad. Is it getting that bad? Does anyone think that the rest of our family is getting away with something because we have the card? God knows, I would gladly trade the card for normalcy for my son. I'm upset by the fact that some people are using the system that we need desperately. Without that card, there are no rides for my son this December.