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You have to be kidding!!

Posted: Wed May 21, 2003 8:09 pm
by Tink797
Here is a commentary of one of the dumbest question I have ever been asked. Setting the scence: it was my first summer and I am standing in the middle of MAIN STREET doing guest control waiting for Light Magic to begin and a lady runs up to me...

**Lady**: "Excuse me, do you work here?"
**Me**: (thinks "duh I don't wear this lovely costume for my health") "Yes may I help you?"
**Lady**: "I was wondering where I could find the nearest Disney store?"
**Me**: (looking around in disbelief) "Disney store?"
**Lady**: "Yes I would like to purchase a souviner for my child and I would like to find the closest Disney store."
**Me**: (still in shock :shock: )"Mame you are standing on Main Street USA every store here sells Disney Merchandise!"
**Lady**: (without blinking an eye) "Oh thank you very much!" (and walks away with a smile!)

Hellllllllllllllooooooooooo... :roll:

Posted: Thu May 22, 2003 11:39 pm
by BirdMom
gawd that sounds familiar...years ago, I was working at the old Mod Hatter, watched this guy get off the Monorail speed ramp and then he comes walking up to me and asks where he could find a store. I just kind of looked at him and said "you're in one" and he replies "no a STORE..." and I'm asking "sir, what kind of store?" and he keeps saying "a :? STORE..." oi