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Update on us (not such good news)

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 1:38 pm
by Mommytomjm
[font=Arial]Hi Everyone-

This is an update I have been avoiding writing :( Andrew walked into his office on Monday (a week ago today) and was told that the call center was closing. Yup, all 450 people out of jobs, including Andrew. They also laid off 250 people in the Jacksonville office. They got 60 days severance in lieu of notice and will get 30 more if he agrees not to sue, sigh. (he will agree to it of course) We will get 90 days health insurance coverage.

Not sure how everything is going to play out. Andrew will be applying at Disney, his current thoughts are CRO (they offered him a job last year, but he doesn’t want to be at a desk), Security or transportation (probably busses) He is finishing up all of our SSI paperwork for me and the baby, but that all going through could take forever.… We aren’t sure at this point, but I think we are going to need to move closer to WDW. MJ’s chair is still in limbo (still waiting for Insurance to approve all of it, needs to get done ASAP now otherwise we need to start over with new employers insurance)

We did some “Disney Therapy” last week, picked up some Cast Referral cards for Andrew and got info from ppl willing to be references for him. We are being taken to MNSSHP tomorrow by some friends and should know later on about when Andrew’s interview with Disney will be, right now he has the baby out burning up some energy.

Needless to say, things are stressful around here right now, MJ and I are both having some trouble adjusting, she doesn’t do well with her schedule out of whack (most Autistic kids don’t) and I don’t do well with so much uncertainty. Stress isn’t good for my Fibro and I am really beginning to feel it.

Keep us in your thoughts and I will try to keep you updated as things happen, if I am not on the boards as much, you now know why.[/font]

Re: Update on us (not such good news)

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 2:49 pm
by Seussgirl
Sorry to hear that. Which call center is closing? Cingular? Sprint? Convergs? Hang in there. My son is autistic so I know what you mean about their schedules getting out of whack. There are alot of opportunities around Orlando, it just sometimes can take a while to find them. It took me several months after I moved here to find a decent, good paying job. So, just keep looking and don't get discouraged. Oh, and if you need some help with affordable housing near Disney let me know. I live less than 5 minutes away from there and know alot about the area. Good Luck!