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Ricky Lake anybody?

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2003 8:14 pm
by StupidGuestTricks Yahoo
From: cujosr104@a...
Date: Sat Jul 20, 2002 2:53am
Subject: Ricky Lake anybody?

OK. today while working at Burr-Bank Ice Cream I got the chance to help two
Asian guests (it looked like they were a couple). Now in this case they
didn't speak English all too well, but there's ways around that. Eventually I
got an order for two single scoop cups, one vanilla, one mint chip. After
totaling the order I give them the ice cream when the female says, "No no no,
Waffle cone." OK I made a mistake and was about to fix it when the boyfriend
says something to his girlfriend. Then she says it's OK and takes the ice
cream. They headed over to the condiment bar, something was said and the
boyfriend slams the ice cream on the table and walks out to watch Groove 666.
Then she walks out with both ice creams and sits over on the other side of
the restaurant and eats both ice creams. later I see the boyfriend walk in
looking for somebody, so I take a look and she's gone! Oh my God I was
instrumental in breaking these guys up! Never fear romance fans Later in the
day both of them show up at my register to order more. Yea! Hard as it was I
wanted to get it right this time.

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2003 2:53 am
by iridium130
Groove 666? Sounds creepy...Satan was the lead singer I assume?