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A Sad Reminder...

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2003 3:50 am
by CujoSR
As you may already know two US Apache Helicopter Pilots have been captured and are being held by Iraqi forces. I will not bore you with the details since more reliable sorces of information are available. I ask that you take a moment now and think about the troops overseas and what they are doing for you right now to help keep freedom alive. I very much hope that those two pilots make it home safe and sound. I am also saddened by the loss of life that has already occured. You will always be remembered.
On a good note though I had a family come through my line yesterday at Wal-Mart. They were buying many small items (ex: 30 cans of trial size shaving cream and 60 bags of single serving peanuts,) they cleaned out my checkstand and several others of gum and crossword books. In total they spent over 300 dollars. I couldn't make a PA annoucement then because I had no phone but I think they deserve a round of applause for thier efforts. If only I had the money to do the same I would.

Thank you for your attention. I know this has nothing to do with guest tricks but I had to say something.