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Re: Snappy Answers or aka Screwing with Guests

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 6:06 pm
by SoarWhoreCoCo
Freethinker78 wrote:The team member then acts like he is typing in a phone number and says "God, do you know when you plan on moving this storm from over our park so that these people can ride our roller coasters?" The team member then puts the cell phone back into his pocket, looks right at the guest and says "nope God doesn't even know when we will open back up."
I love this response! I love when I worked at Test Track, and lightning would be hitting MS next door and thunder everywhere you would get the idiots who would stand under the METAL and fabric awning in front and not leave after we would tell them it isn't safe and to get indoors... lightning never kills or anything... and because these boobs would be there we were FORCED to stand there with them and every 2 seconds someone would ask when we were going to reopen.

Me: when the lightning and rain out far enough away for us to resume cycling

DAG: When will that be?

Me: whne the lightning and rain is far enough away!

DAG: dont you have a radar right there to look at?

Me: why yes hold on (walk to the ride phone box open it look in and come back to DAG)... It doesn't look like anytime soon

DAG: cant you find out when it will stop.

Me: No you'll have to ask a higher authority than we have here at the park.

DAG: Who is that and where?

Me: Micheal Eisener... Burbank.... (HYS & walk away)

Re: Snappy Answers or aka Screwing with Guests

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 6:13 pm
by IndyandMarion
SoarWhoreCoCo wrote: DAG: Who is that and where?
Me: Micheal Eisener..Burbank ...(HYS & walk away)

That would be God. Way things are going, he'll be happy to meet you in about five minutes after you've been struck by the lightning standing here...

Re: Snappy Answers or aka Screwing with Guests

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 9:17 am
by sandravb79
mentu wrote:I also love the "do you know where the... (bathrooms/smoking area/attraction) is?" question. I say "yes" and continue greeting.
I asked that question as a guest, and I got about the same answer, and I found it incredibly rude. Why? I KNOW that it is not the right "sentence" to ask where the restrooms are, and I know I have an American accent (thank you many summers in host families all over the US for that) and therefore a CM will probably not notice I happen to be from the other side of the world, but English happens to be my fourth language. If I also suffer from a jetlag (9 hours difference is a lot) and suffer from the heat (about 30 degrees warmer than I am used to), I can really not formulate my sentences like I should.

I am sorry that I tried to be polite, and asked "Please, do you know where the restrooms are?" instead of snapping "where are the restrooms?"
Next time, I'll just snap....

Sorry, couldn't resist on replying on this one....

Re: Snappy Answers or aka Screwing with Guests

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 4:22 pm
by Zazu
sandravb79 wrote:
mentu wrote:I also love the "do you know where the... (bathrooms/smoking area/attraction) is?" question. I say "yes" and continue greeting.
I asked that question as a guest, and I got about the same answer, and I found it incredibly rude.
The trick is to make them laugh about it. Sometimes, I give the same answer I use for, "Do you work here?" -- I take a heroic stance and intone, "YES! I DO!!!" :mighty:

Then again, getting somebody asking about restrooms to laugh isn't always a good idea....
Next time, I'll just snap....
Hey! that's *our* job! :D:

Re: Snappy Answers or aka Screwing with Guests

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 1:48 am
by TSR6
Downtown Disney has these nice signs along the parking lot that say "NO PARKING, STANDING or WAITING" I was just getting off a shift the other day at Disney Quest, and saw someone parked in front of one of these signs obviously waiting for someone ( looking out the passenger window.

I walked up to the sign, and just stood there.

I looked at the sign, then at the parked guest. Looked at the sign again, then back to the guest. Leaned over a bit, looked at the sign, then the guest.... after I turned my head between the sign and the guest about 10 times, the dude finally moved.

My co-cast called me a jerk for doing that to the guy.... I thought it was funny.

Re: Snappy Answers or aka Screwing with Guests

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 8:06 pm
by Zazu
TSR6 wrote:I looked at the sign, then at the parked guest. Looked at the sign again, then back to the guest. Leaned over a bit, looked at the sign, then the guest... after I turned my head between the sign and the guest about 10 times, the dude finally moved.

My co-cast called me a jerk for doing that to the guy.... I thought it was funny.
I'm laughing! :hysteria:

Remind your co-cast that this is Disney. What you did actually qualifies as "subtle" here. :brick:

Re: Snappy Answers or aka Screwing with Guests

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 11:03 pm
by SoarWhoreCoCo
TSR6 wrote: I was just getting off a shift the other day at Disney Quest....
No real relation to the threat but I guess I know you if you work at Quest since I do are you attractions/greeter, merchandise, or Cheesecake?

Attractions here

Re: Snappy Answers or aka Screwing with Guests

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 8:48 pm
by DLRFantasmic!Dan
Last week while working parades and it was raining. The parade was cancelled, so instead, we had the MICKEY'S RAINY DAY CAVALCADE!!!

Before cavalcade step off:

Guest: Is the parade cancelled?
CM: Yes, unfortunately it is cancelled, but in it's place, we have the Mickey's Rany Day Cavalcade.

*Gestures with wide open arms*

It is the loooooooooooooooooooooooong parade.......

*Brings hands closer together*

...................squeezed into one vehicle!!!

It is something in the long of that, lol, but it was funny!! As our lead said, "It's a little parade with BIG fun!!!"

Re: Snappy Answers or aka Screwing with Guests

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 11:03 am
by TalkingHands
Guest: "I CAN READ LIPS YOU KNOW!" Me: "To bad you can't read minds!"

I find this quote offensive. As a person who is hard of hearing I do read lips and often will say this to a castmember to let him know that I can communicate orally and not just in sign language. If you did that to me I would refuse to use anything but sign language. I'd also file a complaint as it is a rude comment to someone who is just trying to make you aware that an interpreter is not needed and that I can communicate one to one with the hearing castmember. BTW if you are wearing a SL on your name tag I prefer to use sign language.

Re: Snappy Answers or aka Screwing with Guests

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 7:43 pm
by SoarWhoreCoCo
OKAY....Um if you had read the original post for this quote, you would understand that:

A. The guest was NOT hearing impared she was being constantly told to stop doing what she and her group were doing.

B. I was telling the other cast member to watch her and her party when she said that

C. She was being a royal B**CH

D. I would NEVER NEVER EVER! speak to any guest like that without being provoked to the point of losing it in the first place. ESpecially with a Guest with disabilities.

:pissed: Know the facts before you jump on someones butt! Remember this is a COMPLIANCE FREE ZONE!