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Re: I'm sorry, Ma'am, but this isn't Kinder Care

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 10:44 am
by DisneyMom
hobie16 wrote:She loves Scooter but she spends a lot of time in the yard trying to get stuff to grow. We might have had the first schnauzer launched into low orbit.
Awww, Scooter sounds cute, if destructive! Isn't there a way to keep him away from some of the plants (like giant fake centipedes?)

Re: I'm sorry, Ma'am, but this isn't Kinder Care

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 11:21 am
by hobie16
DisneyMom wrote:Awww, Scooter sounds cute, if destructive! Isn't there a way to keep him away from some of the plants (like giant fake centipedes?)
She's not really that destructive. She discovered chunks of palm trees and small coconuts are good to chew on. Apparently the heliconia fit the bill. I added some wire mesh to protect them until the root system takes hold.

I don't think a centipede would scare her off unless she got bit by one. The Terminex guys put down powder every three months so we don't see them very often.

Re: I'm sorry, Ma'am, but this isn't Kinder Care

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 11:51 am
by DisneyMom
hobie16 wrote:She's not really that destructive. She discovered chunks of palm trees and small coconuts are good to chew on. Apparently the heliconia fit the bill. I added some wire mesh to protect them until the root system takes hold.

I don't think a centipede would scare her off unless she got bit by one. The Terminex guys put down powder every three months so we don't see them very often.
Oh, Scooter is a Girl!
Wire mesh sounds like a good idea.
I used to live on some acreage in the hills here in Cali. We found a large gopher snake. Funniest thing ever- seeing the snake strike at my Rottweiler, rottweiler jumps straight up in the air about three feet! :eek:
Oh and the time our mama cat tore out after the Rottweiler when dog barked at our baby Pygmy goats! the only other time I saw that dog SCARED! :p:

Re: I'm sorry, Ma'am, but this isn't Kinder Care

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 12:29 pm
Randy B wrote:To break up the big, muddy stuff first, strap on a pair of large scrub brushes for the first circuit. Then use the pads to get the remaining liquid portions.

Wasn't the brush bit done in a Mickey cartoon?

Re: I'm sorry, Ma'am, but this isn't Kinder Care

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 4:45 pm
by hobie16
DisneyMom wrote:We found a large gopher snake. Funniest thing ever- seeing the snake strike at my Rottweiler, rottweiler jumps straight up in the air about three feet!
Gopher snakes will emulate rattlesnake behavior including beating their tales in leaves to scare off aggressors.

Re: I'm sorry, Ma'am, but this isn't Kinder Care

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 6:03 pm
by EeyoresButterfly
This is sort of along the lines of the OP: something else that parents will do is abandon their kids in a line or on a ride. This is especially problematic at Dumbo or the Teacups. Sometimes we'll have kids six years old or younger trying to ride by themselves. Totally not allowed! The parents yell at us because we won't let their kids on the ride without somebody older to watch them. I realize they're worried about getting motion sick, but what happens when your child loses their hat on a spinning ride or panics when Dumbo goes up in the air? There's a reason we required children have someone with them when they ride. The absolute worst is when the parents just leave the kids in the line. Then we have to treat it as a lost child situation and track down the parents. Not fun.

Re: I'm sorry, Ma'am, but this isn't Kinder Care

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 11:21 pm
by turkeyham
When I was in high school and had a job after school on the weekends. Me and my friends would go to Disneyland when we had no homework. We did see allot of parents buy their kids tickets to get in and leave them to play at the park. Now these days, I still see this. These parents need to keep an eye on their kids. If you need a baby sitter, get one, don't drop the kids off at the parks. It is just not safe.

Re: I'm sorry, Ma'am, but this isn't Kinder Care

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 12:17 am
turkeyham wrote:When I was in high school and had a job after school on the weekends. Me and my friends would go to Disneyland when we had no homework. We did see allot of parents buy their kids tickets to get in and leave them to play at the park. Now these days, I still see this. These parents need to keep an eye on their kids. If you need a baby sitter, get one, don't drop the kids off at the parks. It is just not safe.
I am sure there are a number of parents that do just that! and go do their own thing, lunch, shopping and so on.

I just hope they don't pull a "Joe Dirt" on them!!!

Re: I'm sorry, Ma'am, but this isn't Kinder Care

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 9:13 am
by Princess Susi
February wrote: Thing that always killed me was they never just bought the condoms. It was condoms and gum, condoms and a candy bar, or occasionally condoms and some things that made me shudder.

I never saw any women buy them, ever. Just guys. Nervous, embarrassed young guys.

Had a guy try to return a half empty box of them once at the cussed desk.

He said they didn't work! :eek:
Bottom line: if you go to the store and see a bag in that aisle ripped open, it's because in a fit of hormone fueled desperation, some poor woman had had enough of guessing and needed to know if the bag had maxi superwing overnights in it or heavy channeled superthins and was through screwing around.
EXACTLY! And what sorts of things would make you shudder.....
hobie16 wrote:Have any of you ladies ever put on a Maxi-Pad wrong side up?
mechurchlady wrote:nope never have, some things like them items and spark plugs have to be installed properly.
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!! :hysteria:

You know those pads can be used to save lives too. Let's say you just got shot in a drive by and your woman just happens to be carrying some. She can apply them to the wound to staunch the bleeding and off to the emergency room you go!!!!!! ;) They can be very handy in emergencies. I like the mop the floor with them idea. Just apply the sticky side to your feet and off you go with soap and water on them to clean up the kitty barf. LOL! I WILL have to try that, the next time Ralph goes to the store and buys more and the kitty barfs.....LOL! :p:
HRH Princess Susi :queen:

Re: I'm sorry, Ma'am, but this isn't Kinder Care

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 10:27 pm
by felinefan
I didn't write down the link, but I'm sure if you Google it, you can find it....The Museum of Menestration. Run by a guy. Go figure. The site lets you read old facts of life books from 'way back, and there's a whole thread on jokes. Lots of them are on the "put the pad on wrong" and about boys who buy tampons because it says on the box "you can ride a bike, go horseback riding, ski, swim...." etc..

I'm glad I'm past that stage.