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Re: What you said / What they heard

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 3:21 am
by turkeyham
Today I went to the parks with my friends who were from out of town. This SG and their group were in front of us on the old sun wheel. SG decided to stand up while the car was in motion. On the loud speaker: Please remain seated at all times. The SG ignored the warning. Before the attraction could make a non stop loop. the ride came to a stop and the SG were kicked off the ride. :eek:

Re: What you said / What they heard

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 5:32 am
by CptnSkippy
15 minutes before Nightastic Fireworks, to a mom and her daughter dressed as Cinderella:

What I said: Due to the spectacular fireworks that will be displayed right here from the castle, these ramps are closed right now, however about 15 minutes after the show, we'll open the ramps back up and you can go see Cinderella Castle.

What they heard (and in turn basically said to the daughter): I'm sorry honey, this mean man has ruined your trip. You've waited this whole trip to the castle and now that we're leaving, he's not going to let you in.

jgirl120 wrote:I love going to shows as a guest when I know the theater is gonna fill and SGs push through so they are the first through the doors that are opening toward them, just to watch them be told to move all the way across the row...i just love it!!!!!!
Or more fun, when they plop down in the middle of the row!

No really, I insist on trying to squeeze by your family and 20 bags of crap you have set in front of you too.

Re: What you said / What they heard

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 9:27 am
by ktulu
CptnSkippy wrote: Or more fun, when they plop down in the middle of the row!

No really, I insist on trying to squeeze by your family and 20 bags of crap you have set in front of you too.
That's when I walk by, turn so my butt is facing them and fart while stepping on their feet.

Re: What you said / What they heard

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 11:58 am
by EeyoresButterfly
bpgstudios wrote:What surprises me is that Mr. Disney didn't enforce the safety aspect, that the CM said they needed to wear them and he refused. I know if I ever got a suit on a ride that refused to use a saftey harness if required, I'd make sure they used it.
... Now if only we could get a suit to go on Pan... Maybe we'd get some changes there...
Actually... I want to say that it was my last or second to last day of my first CP. We had been telling them over and over that the fast pass ration for Pan was too high. Fast Pass was perpetually backed up and of course standby cannot see the majority of the line (and therefore does not believe us when we tell them it's a 90 minute wait). All it takes is one bad merge point, too many special access, or a slight downtime and Pan is screwed. It doesn't help that the two lines meet face to face with the CM in the middle. When we were training the Hong Kong CMs, one actually came out of the position crying because she was being yelled at from all sides for a situation that she did not cause.

Anyway, by the end of it, I was one of their more efficient merge people and could brush off the nasty guests. They put me there with a FP manager and made him work the merge point so he could see just how bad it was.It was one of my favorite days. I stood there and chatted to guests while he tried to keep up with the flow. It was the only time I wasn't yelled at in that position because they could see him and knew they had bigger fish to fry. Unfortunately, I don't know what the outcome of that experience was since my CP was up.

Re: What you said / What they heard

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 1:20 pm
by kurtisnelson
EeyoresButterfly wrote:Anyway, by the end of it, I was one of their more efficient merge people and could brush off the nasty guests. They put me there with a FP manager and made him work the merge point so he could see just how bad it was.It was one of my favorite days. I stood there and chatted to guests while he tried to keep up with the flow. It was the only time I wasn't yelled at in that position because they could see him and knew they had bigger fish to fry. Unfortunately, I don't know what the outcome of that experience was since my CP was up.
Do you remember what his name was? Ketan? The FP team is still trying hard to work on Pan, it's a really hard problem to solve due to space constraints. Hopefully once skyway goes away and the bathrooms are rearranged there will actually be enough space to make the queue suck less.

Re: What you said / What they heard

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 5:35 pm
by Shorty82
EeyoresButterfly wrote:Actually... I want to say that it was my last or second to last day of my first CP. We had been telling them over and over that the fast pass ration for Pan was too high. Fast Pass was perpetually backed up and of course standby cannot see the majority of the line (and therefore does not believe us when we tell them it's a 90 minute wait). All it takes is one bad merge point, too many special access, or a slight downtime and Pan is screwed. It doesn't help that the two lines meet face to face with the CM in the middle. When we were training the Hong Kong CMs, one actually came out of the position crying because she was being yelled at from all sides for a situation that she did not cause.

Anyway, by the end of it, I was one of their more efficient merge people and could brush off the nasty guests. They put me there with a FP manager and made him work the merge point so he could see just how bad it was.It was one of my favorite days. I stood there and chatted to guests while he tried to keep up with the flow. It was the only time I wasn't yelled at in that position because they could see him and knew they had bigger fish to fry. Unfortunately, I don't know what the outcome of that experience was since my CP was up.
Pan Merge still sucks. I believe if they'd just reduce the number of FPs per hour most of the problem would be solved. There's just way to many FPs given out for a particular time. This would result in FPs running out sooner in the day but I feel the benefits would outweigh the problems that would cause.

The setup of the queues don't help one bit. I'm glad to hear there are people working on these problems.

Re: What you said / What they heard

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 11:34 pm
by Lasolimu
I think I have the most revolutionary idea on how to fix any and all fastpass problems from now until the end of time. Just get rid of it, it's shocking I know, but if you follow the logic, it will solve all fastpass problems :eek: . The way things are with fastpass, someone gets a fastpass and then gets in line for something else, they are essentially waiting in two lines at once. Now, if a handful of people do it, no one will notice, but if everyone in the park had a fastpass and was in line for something else while they wait, that is the same as double the number of people waiting in lines, therefore, it follows that wait times for everything will increase. The rides with fastpass will see slower moving lines because they have to accommodate 2 lines and those without will have more people in line as fewer are waiting in the line for fastpass rides.

I remember the parks before fastpass and I remember the lines being so much faster than they are now(all lines, not just the fastpass rides). I know that I could have a faulty memory, but another thing to consider is that I was young in these memories when almost any wait feels really long. I also understand that not everyone uses fastpass, but I think the number is high enough to make a significant difference.

Re: What you said / What they heard

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 5:18 am
by Goofyernmost
Lasolimu wrote:I think I have the most revolutionary idea on how to fix any and all fastpass problems from now until the end of time. Just get rid of it, it's shocking I know, but if you follow the logic, it will solve all fastpass problems :eek: . The way things are with fastpass, someone gets a fastpass and then gets in line for something else, they are essentially waiting in two lines at once. Now, if a handful of people do it, no one will notice, but if everyone in the park had a fastpass and was in line for something else while they wait, that is the same as double the number of people waiting in lines, therefore, it follows that wait times for everything will increase. The rides with fastpass will see slower moving lines because they have to accommodate 2 lines and those without will have more people in line as fewer are waiting in the line for fastpass rides.

I remember the parks before fastpass and I remember the lines being so much faster than they are now(all lines, not just the fastpass rides). I know that I could have a faulty memory, but another thing to consider is that I was young in these memories when almost any wait feels really long. I also understand that not everyone uses fastpass, but I think the number is high enough to make a significant difference.
To some extent, I agree with you...I'm a little less supportive of the two people in line theory...but as far as your memory is concerned, you are correct. And, btw, I wasn't a kid when I started going to WDW. I was an adult with kids. Course it wasn't a standby line back then it was "THE LINE".

As far as the two people in line goes...unless you have a cardboard cutout of yourself standing in one of the lines...that is not true. You still are only in one line at a time realistically. The only time that does seem to be feasible is when you actually do get into the fastpass line, then it is as if you were in the other line ahead of those already there, so I do see your logic...but it's pretty shaky. :)

Just for the record (he said as he slipped into his asbestos suit) I am totally in favor of the complete abandonment of Fastpass.

Re: What you said / What they heard

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 4:10 pm
by Lasolimu
Goofyernmost wrote:As far as the two people in line goes...unless you have a cardboard cutout of yourself standing in one of the lines...that is not true. You still are only in one line at a time realistically. The only time that does seem to be feasible is when you actually do get into the fastpass line, then it is as if you were in the other line ahead of those already there, so I do see your logic...but it's pretty shaky. :)
I don't think it's shaky at all, think of those places that have you take a number. Now imagine that they also have a line for people without a number and for however many numbers they take they take so many from the other line. We can say that for every two people with numbers they take one from the line. We can combine this into a single line assuming that there are always people with numbers and always people in the line:

1 2 L 3 4 L 5 6 L...

If you have a number you are given a specific place in this line, but are free to go to another line; 5 can wander off, but they will still be helped before 6 and the next L. The number is holding their place in line. The only difference with fastpass is that it's a time frame, but it works the same as the number. All this change really would do is make it so that they will take any in a range of numbers before the next from the line. Assuming the number example used a two number range, this means that the line could be:

2 1 L 3 4 L 6 5 L

The only people that noticed the change are the people in the ranges where the higher number got there first.

Just because you aren't physically standing in a line doesn't mean you aren't in one.

Re: What you said / What they heard

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 7:59 pm
by Goofyernmost
Lasolimu wrote:I don't think it's shaky at all, think of those places that have you take a number. Now imagine that they also have a line for people without a number and for however many numbers they take they take so many from the other line. We can say that for every two people with numbers they take one from the line. We can combine this into a single line assuming that there are always people with numbers and always people in the line:

1 2 L 3 4 L 5 6 L...

If you have a number you are given a specific place in this line, but are free to go to another line; 5 can wander off, but they will still be helped before 6 and the next L. The number is holding their place in line. The only difference with fastpass is that it's a time frame, but it works the same as the number. All this change really would do is make it so that they will take any in a range of numbers before the next from the line. Assuming the number example used a two number range, this means that the line could be:

2 1 L 3 4 L 6 5 L

The only people that noticed the change are the people in the ranges where the higher number got there first.

Just because you aren't physically standing in a line doesn't mean you aren't in one.
As I said...I do agree with you to an extent but it is a lot more complex than that and since Disney doesn't really care what time you get back (as long as it isn't early) then it is a gray area just exactly what line you are standing in. But that said...I do see your point. That just puts a finer point on why I think FP is a very bad idea. It sounded good on paper and it is almost orgasmic to everyone that happens to have one on them, but to everyone else it is a royal PITA. I am just guessing here, but I would think it would be one for the CM's as well.