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Re: Sorry! We're CLOSED!

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2005 6:24 am
by murf
And yes the magic begins and ends with me! :twisted:
Its amazing how guests with pull up to the toll booths (this just happemed on Sat the 12th) and ask what rides are down (AP of course) then ask me if I could do anything to get space mountain up and running! (I'll get on that right away!) and of course on those special times of the year (new years, grad nights etc.) when we close the trams down and guests and Cms alike want to know why we shut down the trams and if I could start one up and drive them to their car. (Even though I am a driver) I cant just jump on a tram and get them where they need to go. Everybody always expects us to do what they want and they think we will do it without question.

Re: Sorry! We're CLOSED!

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2005 12:24 pm
by Stduck
Part of the problem we have is us the CMs. We become so cynical it isn't funny. I extended to help "close" Fantasmic last night and one of the leads didn't join us on the island that lead took down the B tower. So we were done early. To kill time we went up to the office and talked about the 4 keys and the Service model. It kind of dawned on me that we take a lot for granted as CMs in the knowledge we have.

So back to the thread. Yes we know what's closed, guest do have ways of obtaining that information but in the excitement of the coming trip many don't look or even think to look up that information. (APs should know better) Yes they get upset, yes its not fair, yes there is nothing we can do about it, but our job is guest service and even if we have to say no, we need to think of ways to give alternate possitive options (yes I know sometimes its not possible).

I was in the B3 aisle last night and had the job of "gatekeeper" for the reserved area next to the B tower. That is the hardest position I think when it comes to helping guests. You have this practically empty looking area behind you that doesn't fill till right before the show starts and tons of people eyeing the spot, when the guests ask if they can sit there, I have to tell them that its a reserved. My manager told me before I went to tell guest they couldn't sit in the aisle "Don't use can't, tell them where they can be instead".

So before I get off my soap box one more point. Yes some guests you wonder about, others you get angry at, but what does it matter? 90% of them you are never going to see again. If your closed offer solutions (especially stores cause of main street closing later) and if it is over a 101 on an attraction? Appologise for the inconvienence.

-steps off her soap box-

Re: Sorry! We're CLOSED!

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2005 11:28 am
by DLRFantasmic!Dan
manderson6309 wrote:I think it's hilarious. At Dumbo, our queue is like a maze if you aren't shown exactly where to enter. So after it's closed, obviously the chain is put up and there is no obvious visual entrance. Plus on top of our chains, we have a fence with a gate for our inner queue. So, I love to watch whenever I'm closing lines or Dumbo and see people try their hardest to get to the front of the line. The can never figure out the queue so they just jump over or duck under the chains and get to the fence...this is my favorite part. Somehow, they get over the fence [jumped it] and start walking to the turn style...

"It's stuck...we can't get throught!"

Me: Um, it's not stuck kids, I locked it. And BTW the chains were closed for a reason. Same goes for the GATE on the fence. You should not ever jump over a fence. It's there for a reason. If we were opened, it would be open so you could get through. So please turn around and exit the way you came in!

It's really funny, because by making them exit the way they came in, It is them indirectly telling me that they jumped the fence and chains....Idiots!
It is the same thing at the Astro Orbitor!!! Guests tend to jump over the fence to ride when the park is already close. They don't seem to understand that we are cycling out the line. That's why we have a lead closing the line, walking in the end of the line to make sure no one else gets on.

Re: Sorry! We're CLOSED!

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 12:09 am
by Fantasmic_Freak
Stduck wrote:Part of the problem we have is us the CMs. We become so cynical it isn't funny. I extended to help "close" Fantasmic last night and one of the leads didn't join us on the island that lead took down the B tower. So we were done early. To kill time we went up to the office and talked about the 4 keys and the Service model. It kind of dawned on me that we take a lot for granted as CMs in the knowledge we have.

So back to the thread. Yes we know what's closed, guest do have ways of obtaining that information but in the excitement of the coming trip many don't look or even think to look up that information. (APs should know better) Yes they get upset, yes its not fair, yes there is nothing we can do about it, but our job is guest service and even if we have to say no, we need to think of ways to give alternate possitive options (yes I know sometimes its not possible).

I was in the B3 aisle last night and had the job of "gatekeeper" for the reserved area next to the B tower. That is the hardest position I think when it comes to helping guests. You have this practically empty looking area behind you that doesn't fill till right before the show starts and tons of people eyeing the spot, when the guests ask if they can sit there, I have to tell them that its a reserved. My manager told me before I went to tell guest they couldn't sit in the aisle "Don't use can't, tell them where they can be instead".

So before I get off my soap box one more point. Yes some guests you wonder about, others you get angry at, but what does it matter? 90% of them you are never going to see again. If your closed offer solutions (especially stores cause of main street closing later) and if it is over a 101 on an attraction? Appologise for the inconvienence.

-steps off her soap box-
I was a Disneyland and the lead for GC was telling Maynard what to do and talked to me and I helped in turn clear the strollers by river belle and the older CM was working tower B and he was funny with the handicapped guests, "Wheel in here guys and please take out one E ticket for this attraction", everyone laughed around him who was old enough to get it, the clam digger! The Lighting Technition guy who fixes the lights on the towers is constantly asked about whats this show ans such as the time, he always states, cutting the guest off most of the time 9pm Fantasmic!, or if they say it wrong like Fantasmo or Fanatsia, he says right 9pm! I counted 20 times in one night, poor GC! Another case for stupid guest tricks!

Re: Sorry! We're CLOSED!

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 2:34 am
by Natural Selection Fan
Here's a great trick... find a readmit pass, fill it out, apologise and get away
as fast as you can. Works like a charm!

My evil knows no bounds.

Re: Sorry! We're CLOSED!

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 2:52 am
by aliceindisguse
Natural Selection Fan wrote:Here's a great trick... find a readmit pass, fill it out, apologise and get away
as fast as you can. Works like a charm!

My evil knows no bounds.

If only things were that easy.......

Re: Sorry! We're CLOSED!

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 8:04 pm
by PirateJohn
When we close Pirates, the greeter closes the chain when he hears the "voice of God" and walks inside to close and lock the doors. I find it kinda funny when I'm greeter and I close the chains and see guests duck under the chains. All they're gonna see when they get through the line is a locked door.

Come on, people, the closing spiel is broadcast at about 100 decibels, don't TRY to tell me you didn't hear it!

Re: Sorry! We're CLOSED!

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2005 3:31 am
by schunoko
I love it at Dumbo and Snow too when people duck under then chains when they're locked. I just put on my mic (at Dumbo) and say "If you're going over or under chains, you're going the wrong way. We're closed." It usualy makes them stop as they have to think about what I said. The "Whaa?" look is priceless.

Re: Sorry! We're CLOSED!

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 12:39 pm
by SilverStyle
We do this at Tower all the time. We slam those gates closed and send people away. Then you here the sob stories ect. I am sorry but us CM want to go home too.

Re: Sorry! We're CLOSED!

Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 1:00 am
by Show Support
Disney is my 2nd job, my full time job is at IN-N-OUT Burger in Tustin, and i deal with people enough over there, hungry people, and they can be real jerks too, so when i decided to work at Disney, i know I DID NOT want to b stuck sumwhere dealing with more guests, but this time FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD. SO here i am behind the scenes in Parades and Show Support. Great stories by the way. Even though i'm sure every one of you have delt with difficult and/or "ignorant" guests, i'm sure you all love every minute of it cuz c'mon, u work at Disneyland!!!