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Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 3:58 pm
by Yfoog
...can't have my tie but here's the backside of my hand!!

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 4:37 pm
by RebuildtheKingdom
CrystalSkull wrote:Ok so I'm out at Gatekeeper yesterday when this pin trading couple walks passed me into the queue. I'm talking full vests covered in pins and the like.

Well a few seconds after that I kind of sense somebody behind me, and suddenly this woman is unhooking my tie from my costume! I pull back and ask "Can I help you?" to which she replies, "I want your tie.".

I was in utter disbelief. Did this lady honestly believe she could just take an article of my clothing?! Keep your god damn hands to yourself.
:shock: Un-Freakin-believable. She thought she could just take it?

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 11:16 pm
by Stduck
I am so glad my bat hat gets bobby pinned to my head. Argh why do people think they can have our costumes?! Don't touch me, don't touch my costume.

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 5:04 pm
by GMC
at least people ask if they can have out hats... My friend had her cone light taken out of her pocket the other day.

Cutting in line

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 12:46 pm
by kzanth
I wasn't sure if I should start a new thread or jump on this one...I'm sure 'cutting in line' has been covered somewhere in here before, but I just wanted to share this story.

First, I don't work at the parks, but I do work at the Studio in Burbank. Before I worked for Disney, I used to be a Annual Passholder and I always tried to be smart and conscientious when visiting Disneyland. I hate people who check their brains at the finding this site is fantastic, and validates for me that people on vacation are idiots.

ANYWAY...about a year ago my wife and I decided to take advantage of our Silver Passes and visit the park. It was packed but we still decided to stay and make a day of it. Around the middle of the day we got in the VERY long line for Matterhorn. At around the 'break' where the exiting riders cross the people waiting, we saw this white trash couple standing VERY near but outside the line. As soon as we crossed the break, the stepped in behind us, then motioned for the rest of their family (5 in all) to join them! We looked at the couple who HAD been behind us, but they only shrugged.

Well, my wife, not having had her coffee yet, looked at the line-cutters and said very loudly, "Don't you feel bad for cutting in front of everyone?" The young white-trash girl just scowled at my wife and said, "I don't know what you're talkin' about! We've been here the whole time!"

At that, I pulled out my Disney ID and flashed it at them, saying, "I work for the company. I can have you ejected from the park!"

Upon seeing my ID, they were taken aback, then mocked me saying "Ooooh, work for Disney!...ooooo!" as they left the line!

The people around us clapped a little, and the guy in front of us asked, "Do you really work for Disney?"

After years of being a non-disney employee and putting up with rude people at the park, it was nice to flex my company muscle, even a little.

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 1:26 pm
by RebuildtheKingdom
lol. cool.

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 1:46 pm
by shadow
When they start swearing at me, I'd like to stare at them blankly– then say the following:

"It is truly a sad day when a persons vocabulary outgrows their intellect."

Then wait to see if they -really- listened. Most times I don't think they'd hear what was said (they are too busy with their head in an aweful place)- if they have heard, I wonder if we would gotten an apology or two. Hehe. *smacks guest* :lol:


Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 1:48 am
by felinefan
If I told all the times I've encountered rude guests at Knott's, I'd be here the rest of my life. One incident sticks out in my mind, though. Last year, I was forced to do HC (handicapped) at Ghostrider, taking HC guests up and down on the elevator. Anyway, I was answering a guest's question, and this Filipino woman comes up to the gate, taps her map rapidly on the gate, and butts into my conversation with the first guest. Excuse me, but didn't anybody ever teach you to wait your turn when you see someone talking to someone else? And don't tap your map or anything else on the gate to get my attention--I'm not your fucking dog! I didn't say that, but sure felt like it. So I said excuse me to the first guest, answered the second one's question, and when she's gone I remark to the first guest on her rudeness, and he agreed. What's really stupid about Ghostrider HC is they have a sign out front that says to go to Ghostrider Goods across the midway for assistance. I asked an area manager why they had to stick me there when there was a sign sending them to Ghostrider Goods, and was told that the people there aren't certified to operate the elevator! Funny how I don't recall taking any kind of certification to operate the elevator! Oh, well, I got suspended/fired last Thursday for--are you ready?--going to the bathroom! I was on a final for the same thing--take it from me, if you think it's bad at Disneyland, try Knott's! In fact, there's a website, accessible through Yahoo!, called that you should check out. If you use AOL, you may have trouble posting. And KBF's IT and HR spy on it all the time, trying to figure out who everyone is. And you have to use the initials of the people you're talking about (I'm catcuddler over there). Anyway, I am so glad to be out of that hellhole!


Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 2:52 pm
by CerasiJ
They fired you for going to the bathroom? I would so be calling my lawyer... :twisted:


Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 8:59 pm
by tskbf2005
wheelieman wrote:The other day at Knott's, my 7 year old and I were already aboard Montezooma's Revenge when the CM asked if he could check my daughter's height. I said "yeah, man, please do". She was just fine, being about 1 inch taller than the requirement. When they got back, he was kind of trying to explain that they had to check, etc, and I thanked him for checking. He looked at me and said "thats the first time anybodies ever thanked me for that!" I told him I knew it was a safety issue, and I dont want my kid dying just because I wanted her to ride. In my opinion, people who cheat to take their kids on dangerous machinery should be put in prison. Also, its THE CM's call wether or not my kid and I get to ride. It is NOT A GOD GIVEN RIGHT TO RIDE! If I dont fit into the restraints, I DONT GET TO RIDE! Period! If my kid isnt tall enough, they DONT RIDE! Period! I wish that guests would understand this simple fact, it would sure make everyone's experience a lot more pleasant.

Dave, ranting in Perris!
i think, i speak for everyone hereat knott's thank you for your understanding