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Re: Did Anyone Get a Complaint...

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 5:44 pm
Near Philly wrote:From a reader comment in an unofficial WDW guide about The Hall of Presidents:
".....for the first time I heard (George W.) Bush utter a completely coherent and understandable sentence. I found this part most unrealistic."
Must have been written by the SG on our backstage tour!

Re: Did Anyone Get a Complaint...

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 5:47 pm
by Near Philly
What's the Disney Enthusiast to SG ratio on the tour? We're doing KTTK one day.

Re: Did Anyone Get a Complaint...

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 5:58 pm
Near Philly wrote:What's the Disney Enthusiast to SG ratio on the tour? We're doing KTTK one day.
We had one that was writing down EVERY word the CM was saying, and then would ask some very pointed questions. Most of us believe she was working for one of the unoffical tour guide companies. During the seven hour tour, she filled up almost two small notebooks! We had a couple of people that COULD have become SG's, but I think that they were just new to the WDW enviroment, as them seemed to not get the references about certain attractions and so on. Most of the people on the tour were very enthusiastic about being there and learning. DW loved the costume department, as she is into designing and sewing! We did get to see Ariel getting ready for her public! and saw the CM's areas and utilidors at the MK and so forth.

We enjoyed it so much we will do it again!

Re: Did Anyone Get a Complaint...

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 6:04 pm
by Near Philly
Sounds like fun. Thanks.