need to ask this one

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Re: need to ask this one

Post by ktulu » Sat Sep 01, 2007 3:21 pm

Posted with some commentary ;)

If someone wants to slowly kill themselves, hey, that is one less person in line in front of me at $ride :) I just hate the smell.

My mom (smoked for a loooooong time and finally quit after her double [actually triple, had to do one twice] by-pass) has problems with breathing when she is around cigarette smoke. We haven't had her up the air where smoke from fireworks are or taken her to a house fire, forest fire or any type of event where there would be large amounts of smoke to see if that bothers her. Maybe time Dad is smoking a brisket I'll suggest she sticke her out side and take a deep breath :) : ... l&ref=1288

ICSP, good for you for quitting. If we ever meet and you attack me and start making out, I won't stop quick.

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Re: need to ask this one

Post by darph nader » Sat Sep 01, 2007 9:06 pm

ktulu wrote:Again, a smoker chose that spot, probably darph. His beer can was on the map covering the appropriate spots.
(wait a minute,I've never been to WDW)

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Re: need to ask this one

Post by Rob562 » Sat Sep 08, 2007 4:49 pm

ICStupidPeople wrote:Now if someone gave me crap about being allergic (it's impossible to be allergic to cig smoke. It may be an irritant, but it's NOT an allergin) I'd laugh in your face and probably blow smoke in it to be an ass. I'd also ask you if you ever stay for the fireworks, because being so "allergic" to smoke would make you allergic to ANY smoke, campfires, fireworks, ect. Please don't give me that "I'm allergic" bullshit, it insults my intelligence (and yours if you really believe it.)
Perhaps the term "allergic" is just simpler to use and describes the symptoms better than "I'm irritated by cigarette smoke" or "I have adverse reactions to the irritants in the smoke".

I know that when I'm around cigarette smoke, my eyes start to water and get itchy, my nose starts to run and get sniffly, and after a long-enough time, I start to develop a headache. That sure describes my allergic reaction to pollen season...


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Re: need to ask this one

Post by LittleDollClaudia » Sat Sep 08, 2007 6:26 pm

I have noticed that there is an annoucement now while you ride the tram towards Disneyland that says "There is no smoking in the parks except for designated areas." Of course that would work if people actually LISTENED to the speil!

But Jack and I DO use the smoking spots 'cause we are good former CMs.


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Re: need to ask this one

Post by Morticia » Sun Sep 09, 2007 5:22 pm

When I quit smoking 6 1/2 years ago, I swore I wouldn't become a nico-nazi. But it's hard, smoke really does bother you when you are an ex-smoker. However, and maybe I should post this in stupid employee tricks, when we were at the Pirate and Princess Party on the 24th of August (best vacation ever, by the way, I've sent a note to WDW with my hall of fame CM list), DH asked a CM where the nearest smoking area was. Her reply was that "this is a non-smoking event". Man, does DH remember her name. Not cool. We went to the one we remembered from last trip, and hey, it was open.

I am completely in favour of enforcing the limited smoking areas. DH goes there alone. He doesn't smoke in the house, either, but no one should lie or fudge about where they are or whether they are active.

I'm not sending a note about her, just venting a bit.

Thanks to everyone who made this our best vacation ever (and that means almost everyone we ran into). Culprits especially include a certain young lady at Fort Wilderness who took pity on three drowned rats and worked some amazing magic. Feel free to pm me if you post here and recognize yourself.

I apologize if, at any time, we were guilty of perpetrating SGT. We tried really hard not to.

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Re: need to ask this one

Post by Cranbiz » Mon Sep 10, 2007 2:19 am

I know from the spring p&P party, there were smoking areas closed. It was because they were doing character meet n greets in those areas, not because the event was non smoking.

I did what you did Morticia, just went to an open area instead.

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Re: need to ask this one

Post by Big Wallaby » Mon Sep 10, 2007 2:58 am

Do we have anyone here who works Fort Wilderness?

I bet Carlos, the bus coordinator for the Woods (muwa ha ha ha ha!) could find out who it was and pass word along.

My opinions are mine and mine only. If my opinions are the opinion of others who happen to share whatever my crazy views may be, then fine, but it's not because I represent them in having my opinions. Got it?

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Re: need to ask this one

Post by Cranbiz » Mon Sep 10, 2007 3:11 am

Big Wallaby wrote:Do we have anyone here who works Fort Wilderness?

I bet Carlos, the bus coordinator for the Woods (muwa ha ha ha ha!) could find out who it was and pass word along.

Not me, I'm not going near the woods for a while (I'm fence shy). Carlos is a great guy and would help if he could.

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Re: need to ask this one

Post by PrinceOfSka » Wed Sep 12, 2007 4:42 pm

give me a break, saying people can't be allergic to cigarette smoke is ridiculous. People can be allergic to water for pete's sake. Allergens can be found in any substance, even smoke. And even if it is just an irritant to some people... that is still an unasked for irritant, one that can be controlled. there is no guarantee that these same people stay for fireworks, or are even affected the same by firework smoke (which is chemically different from cigarette smoke) They can read and stay OUT of smoking sections, so smokers should read and stay in the sections... its respecting other people...

And there are studies that say mild second hand smoke increases risks of cancer tremendously... it is all about who pays for the study... the truth is probably somewhere in between. The point is, a decent percentage of people don't like to have smoke blown on them, they don't like their clothes smelling of cigarettes, and they don't like the effects that the smoke may have on their bodies. That is why these smoking sections are off the beaten path, and in inconvenient places. ITs more of a business thing than a health matter. Disney wants no one to feel violated... making smokers walk to the rose garden to smoke will cause less angry guests than putting the smoking section in front of Tony's where people line up in mass during the parades.

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Re: need to ask this one

Post by mechurchlady » Wed Sep 12, 2007 10:07 pm

I know smoking is bad by all the parakeets that died at my aunt's house. I use the term "Allergy" as a short way to cover celiac, allergies, sensitivities and all out gagging and puking.

Cigarette stench on people makes me gag and puke. It is worse for me that the diarrhea I get from soy, wheat and eggs. At least I can avoid those things or get a belly ache which tells me I am in trouble so I am prepare.

I cannot get out of line or an elevator because some person reaks of tobacco products.. I am allergic to smoking, period, end of the story unless someone wants a detailed description of what happens when I am around smoking.

