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Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 10:37 pm
by Jungle Vanessa
I have a new Funny Nametag....
it says my name and all which is Vanessa but I was able to pull one over and get the city, state from my favorite movie put on it, which is Hill Valley, CA (from the back to the future movies)

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 11:51 pm
by CujoSR
Jungle Vanessa wrote:I have a new Funny Nametag....
it says my name and all which is Vanessa but I was able to pull one over and get the city, state from my favorite movie put on it, which is Hill Valley, CA (from the back to the future movies)

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 1:31 pm
by screnwriter
Boy1nterrupted wrote:I had a few good nametags that I used...
the infamous Umberto
Rae Rae
Sasratna (some thai dude who got fired for telling a guest to "f" off!)
and daisey...I told everyone my parents were hippies
We used to pass around the name "Habib" in Parades. Any given day, one of the leads would pretend to have lost their nametag and borrow this one. Finally the supervisors threw it away as they were tired of us using it. We also loaned them out to parade dancers who needed one in the park for certain reasons. One of the DCA dancers, Marilyn, who is still working there, will answer to my voice if I should out "Hey Stan!".

But my favorite misplaced name story comes from when I was in Store Ops. One night I had to borrow a nametag when working at the Princess shop in Fantasyland. I think my nametag read "Mike" - anyway, I had just rang up a very attractive woman, and gave her my usual line of "...and the voices in my head tell me that your change is $3.75...", a line which usually got a laugh. However this woman said, "I can help you with those voices." and proceeded to tell me that she was in the park due to a psychiatrists convention. Just at that moment, my lead came over the said, "Hey Patrick, when you're done with this guest, can I get you to go over to register blah, blah..."

First voices in my head, then my lead calling me a different name than my tag - this woman musta thought I really needed the booby hatch!

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 1:43 pm
by Scream162
I've worn a "Darv" nametag at Pirates a few times.

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2004 9:36 pm
by thundercatjamie
One of our male cps is always wearing a nametag that says Velvet. anyone who who works in the MK can easily get a fake tag by heading over to Window 8 and telling them that you lost yours. They will send you to the back of the room to find one to wear. Whenever I have to use a borrowed one I like to come up with a whole story for the name a place. It's kinda fun to not be yourself and as long as your managers don't take too much notice you can get away with being a little more aggresive to the guests who don't want to go where you want them.

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 2:36 pm
by Thatguy
I'm still trying to talk my friend john into putting denver as his city

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 8:28 am
by gurgi
anyone ever put "truth or consequences, new mexico" as their city? or maybe if you work at the haunted mansion...."Hell, Michigan?"

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 2:12 pm
by Stduck
Really only Hotel CMs and people with Language pins get to have their city on their name tag. But if I had the option I think Intercourse, Pennsilvania would be a good one.

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 3:17 pm
by bluepearl
These are all funny stories...

I loved, loved, LOVED being Ryan. I thought I was a cute Ryan. :lol:

I had an extra nametag of my friend, so whenever I forgot mine I'd be Ald for the day. People would ask me where that name was from and I'd just say it was short for Geraldine.

One of the guys I used to work with, named Michael, used to wear a tag that said "La Toya". That was a good one.

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 10:34 pm
by CMDad
Stduck wrote:Really only Hotel CMs and people with Language pins get to have their city on their name tag. But if I had the option I think Intercourse, Pennsilvania would be a good one.
Or the next town over - Blue Ball

But WDW CM's have their towns on them. One day I was visiting the HM when I came across my son wearing a tag which said GEOFF, London, Eng. (he had left his at home) Worked well for Bob and his very Brooklyn accent.