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Re: Meeko pays a visit

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 1:00 pm
by Big Wallaby
5th Dimension wrote:The animals don't care about anything anymore because people throw turkey leg bones and all kinds of crap to them.
And they are absolutely unafraid of costumed Cast Members. When I was a bus driver, kids would chase the ducks and I would have ducks hiding behind my purple pants from kids.

Coolest view I've ever had of a bald eagle was when I was driving Coral into Epcot, just past the bus parking but before the cars. Eagle came out of the trees to my right and flew alongside the Monorail, before turning in and flying right across my cab windscreen about ten feet ahead of us.

I am so thankful that was in the days when I was able to share that with my guests in front of me.

Re: Meeko pays a visit

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 2:50 pm
by shilohmm
Big Wallaby wrote: Coolest view I've ever had of a bald eagle was when I was driving Coral into Epcot, just past the bus parking but before the cars. Eagle came out of the trees to my right and flew alongside the Monorail, before turning in and flying right across my cab windscreen about ten feet ahead of us.
Excellent! :cool:

Raccoons used to steal the outside cats' food on the front porch. They wouldn't come on the porch if I was out there and if I was inside and they came up I'd chase them off with eldest's son's wooden buster sword (buster sword: ... ournal.jpg ), but the kids and hubby would try to chase them off by banging on the door and the like. The raccoons would laugh at them, until hubby stomped outside with the sword, then they'd either scurry off or he'd push them off.

But one time hubby just opened the door to yell at them, there was a scuffle, and he swore one of the baby raccoons ended up inside. That sounded nuts to me -- why would it come toward him instead of all the other routes it could take? -- but he insisted on looking under my desk and generally searing the room but couldn't find anything, so everyone eventually wandered off. excitement over. I'm typing away and then there's this scratching noise behind my desk and then a little raccoon head pops up.

I have this monster desk so neither one of this found this encounter too unnerving, but hubby of course felt the raccoon should be chased outside, which involved corralling all five kids (who at that age thought having a raccoon in the house the coolest thing ever), and all five (at that time) indoor cats (who were of course eager to help), and clearing them out of the room; blocking the other four exits from the room; propping the front door and screen open; then snagging the three* outdoor cats (who figured the open door was an invitation); and finally hubby standing on my desk swinging a tatami sandal on a string to try to chase the critter out from behind the desk.

Eventually baby raccoon skittered along the wall and out the door, glad to be clear of the crazy people. I think word must've gotten out in the raccoon world, because we haven't seen raccoons out front much since then. They still steal, they just aren't as arrogant about it.

*We didn't plan on having eight cats; the neighbors abandoned their very pregnant cat when they moved out, we already had three cats when we took her in, then she had six kittens and we only found homes for two. :rolleyes:

Re: Meeko pays a visit

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 4:04 pm
by TiggerHappy
While bussing Tomorrowland Terrace, I spotted something out of the corner of my eye and thought that someone had snuck a dog into the park. Turns out it was not one but TWO ducks, a male and a female. I watched as some SGs chase after them only to lose them to the submarine lagoon nearby. :p:

More than once, I've been dive-bombed by the birds in the area because I keep sweeping up crumbs and dropped fries left behind by messy Guests. I call them mini-vultures. :mad: On a few occasions, a bird would go and crap onto a table I just cleaned. WTH??

Re: Meeko pays a visit

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 4:14 pm
by hobie16
TiggerHappy wrote:On a few occasions, a bird would go and crap onto a table I just cleaned. WTH??
It's a union bird. He wants to make sure you have plenty to do so your job is always justified. :D:

Re: Meeko pays a visit

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:00 pm
by DisneyMom
TiggerHappy wrote:While bussing Tomorrowland Terrace, I spotted something out of the corner of my eye and thought that someone had snuck a dog into the park. Turns out it was not one but TWO ducks, a male and a female. I watched as some SGs chase after them only to lose them to the submarine lagoon nearby. :p:

More than once, I've been dive-bombed by the birds in the area because I keep sweeping up crumbs and dropped fries left behind by messy Guests. I call them mini-vultures. :mad: On a few occasions, a bird would go and crap onto a table I just cleaned. WTH??
hehe,we have seen ducks wander into Coke Corner where the pin traders hang out......scared the heck out of our favorite trader and friend who "didn't know" there were ducks there and unsure if they bite! :p:

Re: Meeko pays a visit

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:13 pm
by TiggerHappy
hobie16 wrote:It's a union bird. He wants to make sure you have plenty to do so your job is always justified. :D:
I see it more as revenge for taking away their meal tickets. <_<

Re: Meeko pays a visit

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 11:49 am
by Moonstone
Why do people feed the birds turkey? That's wrong on so many levels. I've started describing the Ibises as "Florida Pigeons". I bet some of the people who would never feed pigeons feed the Ibises. Those birds are mean!

Re: Meeko pays a visit

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 5:18 pm
by Amphigorey
Moonstone wrote:Why do people feed the birds turkey? That's wrong on so many levels. I've started describing the Ibises as "Florida Pigeons". I bet some of the people who would never feed pigeons feed the Ibises. Those birds are mean!
People shouldn't feed wild birds, but many birds are perfectly happy to eat bird flesh. I know a conure who really, really likes eating chicken. (A conure is a small parrot, a little bigger than a budgie. He doesn't get to have chicken very often because it's not especially good for him, but he sure likes it.)

Re: Meeko pays a visit

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 11:58 pm
by Big Wallaby
Sun Conure!

I love conures. Awesome personalities.

Re: Meeko pays a visit

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 12:19 am
by hobie16
Talk about vivid colors. Wow! :cool: