need to ask this one

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Re: need to ask this one

Post by Floridian » Mon Aug 27, 2007 9:27 pm

ktulu wrote: I tend to make comments, usually about designated smoking areas and try to be nice. When that failed, I started taking pictures. I have one of a lady trying to avoid me while she goes down main street at DL. It's my favorite so far :D:

The designated area's are a great idea though, except the placement of the one in Tomorrow Land at DL. That seemed like an after thought "oh noes!!11! we forgot a smoking area in tomorrow land! Just put it there and let anyone who rides the train enjoy!" Probably picked by a smoker :D:
I remember when I was at epcot recently most of the smoking areas, at least in futureworld, are adjacent to stroller parking. Now I know most of those strollers are empty but doesn't that sort of defeat the main purpose of the smoking areas? by putting them near the small children.

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Re: need to ask this one

Post by ktulu » Mon Aug 27, 2007 10:19 pm

Floridian wrote:I remember when I was at epcot recently most of the smoking areas, at least in futureworld, are adjacent to stroller parking. Now I know most of those strollers are empty but doesn't that sort of defeat the main purpose of the smoking areas? by putting them near the small children.
Again, a smoker chose that spot, probably darph. His beer can was on the map covering the appropriate spots.

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Re: need to ask this one

Post by BRWombat » Tue Aug 28, 2007 10:54 am

ktulu wrote:I didn't watch much Newsradio, but I do recall that one because of my up bringing :)
I'm a huge fan. As of my birthday a couple of weeks ago, I now own all 5 seasons on DVD -- the only TV show I have on DVD at all (though I wouldn't mind getting Fawlty Towers).

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Re: need to ask this one

Post by Kwahati » Tue Aug 28, 2007 11:33 am

Okay, I know I'm the last runner in the marathon here, and I also know that we've gone through this smoking thing in at least one other thread a while back, but I just have to throw in my .02

Yes, I am a smoker. Yes, I try to be conscientious (Even in my own house, I smoke only in the "designated area" [the back porch, which has no cover and is a joy in the rain, but if the rain ever gets to be too much for me, well, maybe I'll quit smoking!] I work in a government building, so the rule (law?) is that you have to be 50ft from the building before lighting up. It's understood that this rule is bent in the rain to give the smokers some cover, but all the nonsmokers know to go out the doors on the left side of each entrance to not walk through our cloud (lots of doors in a long row, so no major sacrifice for anyone). I also use only the designated areas at WDW, even if they are quite inconveniently located sometimes. If I were in the wrong place and someone politely informed me (this has happened once that I recall) I would move. If someone does the fake cough (and I think I can tell the difference between fake and real...if you're a great faker: cool, you fooled me. More power to ya!), across the board, my response is to see if I can antagonize the person and pick a fight (<me laughingly> "Wow, sure is a nasty cough you've got there! You might wanna go to a doctor and get that checked out!"). But some of the things that were suggested to say to wayward smokers earlier in this thread? I can assume, because you're here, that you're enlightened, good-hearted individuals, therefore I would advise you to be careful who you say things like that to. It's rude and potentially dangerous depending on the mood, demeanor, mental state and alcohol content of your victim. (That took me a minute to type so I could tone down my verbiage. Honestly I'm a little upset right now. I'm gonna go smoke now.)

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Re: need to ask this one

Post by DisneyMom » Wed Aug 29, 2007 12:05 am

I don't have anything against people who smoke, I only ask that they don't involve me.....that being said, I recall one patient I was visiting as a Home Health Nurse.She had a lit cigarette and a large cloud around her in her kitchen...I politely waited to examine her until she was done with her cigarette, inspiring her daughter to tell me,"You shouldn't be a nurse if you can't handle cigarette smoke!" :eek:

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Re: need to ask this one

Post by gaz1970 » Sat Sep 01, 2007 9:18 am

SORRY, not been around for a while, but thank-you all for yur replies, do you think i can get a job as the anti smoking police in the disney parks, me and the wife can do it PLEASE.

keep up the good work all you CMs some of us do appreciate your work and efforts you do to make our trips to disney magical, esp for the children

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Re: need to ask this one

Post by gaz1970 » Sat Sep 01, 2007 9:27 am

I do find it very strange that people ignor the rule or do not understand nor are aware that it exists, god sake there are plenty of areas and warnings on the maps that they provide free of charge in serveral languages. maybe its just down right ignorant that some ignore it then i did see two USA kids (not to say that brits dont do it either) who smoked as they walked past a smoking area, on said to the other "oh there is one of them fu**ing smoking areas, we suposed to be in" the other replied " Fu** that i aint got time to sit about in there if they dont like me smoking whilst i walk then fu** them" i was very frustrated and wanted to tan their backsides, maybe the main problem is most people ignore them and let them do their own thing for fear of offending them or upsetting them WAKE UP PEOPLE these types are starting to rule and if we dont stamp in them ok not litterally they will carry on.

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Re: need to ask this one

Post by ICStupidPeople » Sat Sep 01, 2007 12:23 pm

This subject gets my tail feathers all fluffy....

Let me start by saying I smoked for twenty some years, quit on February 19th and have never looked back..but I quit because I wanted to, not because a bunch of self righteous militant non smokers told me I should.

I am guilty of smoking in a non designated area (over by where mission space is now in Epcot) because the map showed a smoking area there. In fact, I was near the smoking area, but until a CM pointed out where the garbage cans with the sand on the top were, I didn't realize I was not in the appropriate spot (this was while MS was being built, so that area was pretty traffic free). Sometimes we don't mean to be SG's and smoke where we shouldn't, and if asked politely, we will correct ourselves.

Now if someone gave me crap about being allergic (it's impossible to be allergic to cig smoke. It may be an irritant, but it's NOT an allergin) I'd laugh in your face and probably blow smoke in it to be an ass. I'd also ask you if you ever stay for the fireworks, because being so "allergic" to smoke would make you allergic to ANY smoke, campfires, fireworks, ect. Please don't give me that "I'm allergic" bullshit, it insults my intelligence (and yours if you really believe it.)

In addition, the propoganda about 2nd hand smoke causing cancer...umm..if you have ever done any research on it, it's in CLOSED ROOMS with ridiculous amounts of smoke. Find me one study that proves 2nd hand smoke in an open air situation for 3 seconds is harmful. You can't, it doesn't exist. So please don't give me that "that baby is getting his life shortened" bullshit. It pisses me off, and I'm not even a smoker anymore.

I do miss the smoking areas actually. Some of the greatest places to sit and people watch at both WDW and DL are the smoking areas.

I personally think the people that are aware of the rules and break them out of spite are just as ridiculous as the people that say they are allergic to smoke.

Now if I see someone smoking outside a designated area I act like I'm still a smoker and say something like "hey dude, we have our own designated smoking areas with great seating and shade. We really shouldn't smoke around the kids. Think how bad you'd feel if one ran into your butt". That works well at Disney parks..not so much in regular life...but anyone going to Disney is well aware of the kids and the fact they run around and is more open to it. I must say though, I don't recall seeing anyone smoke outside the designated areas in DL, only WDW. Considering WDW attracts more foreign visitors, I would say most don't know the rules and give them the benefit of the doubt.

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Re: need to ask this one

Post by Big Wallaby » Sat Sep 01, 2007 12:26 pm

Beautifully said, IC, especially abou the second-hand smoke thing.

I wonder how many people who are "allergic" to smoke burn incense in their homes...

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Re: need to ask this one

Post by DLRFantasmic!Dan » Sat Sep 01, 2007 1:33 pm

gaz1970 wrote:This year i noticed a large increase of those who flaunt this rule (a lot of then brits :mad: ) i noticed many staff didnt bat an eyelid at them, are you instructed not to say anything and let someone else deal with it or were they just not noticed. It was not only in the disney parks we saw it happen
I guess some CMs don't really care, but most of us really do. When I used to work for the park, I would catch any smoker I could spot and send them to the designated smoking area. If I can't spot it, there is nothing I can do eventhough I smelled it. I would go nice to them and say, "Sorry, there is no smoking here, but we do have soking sections throughout the park. The nearest smoking section is....... [and directions to the nearest smoking section.]"
Cranbiz wrote:The two most important words in a CM's vocabulary.

Please and Safety.

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and the word, "Emergency."
ICStupidPeople wrote:Now if someone gave me crap about being allergic (it's impossible to be allergic to cig smoke. It may be an irritant, but it's NOT an allergin) I'd laugh in your face and probably blow smoke in it to be an ass. I'd also ask you if you ever stay for the fireworks, because being so "allergic" to smoke would make you allergic to ANY smoke, campfires, fireworks, ect. Please don't give me that "I'm allergic" bullshit, it insults my intelligence (and yours if you really believe it.)
a CM friend of mine said he was allergic to smoke and that his throat would close up everytime he smelt it.

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