Your FP says's 6:15..

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Re: Your FP says's 6:15..

Post by GRUMPY PIRATE » Sun Jan 02, 2011 1:56 pm

Zazu wrote:As if!

If we had that authority, life at the Parks would be *far* more pleasant and less crowded.

I couldn't even get a guest chased when they assaulted me as there wasn't a witness willing to write a statement. While I was dialing for OCSD, Security put them on the train and sent them on their way!

Ah, yes. Yes I did have some words with that Security CM. And his supervisor. Still, too late.
yeah, assult is a pet peeve of mine. in that there is NO reason for it. ESPECIALLY at a place like Disney, and most especially, the CM's.

I wish disney would realize that the first rule should be to protect their own. sadly, the guest is NOT always right and there needs to be some changes when behaviour such as that is displayed.

:pirateflaARRRRRRR YA DOIN'?

Big Wallaby
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Re: Your FP says's 6:15..

Post by Big Wallaby » Mon Jan 03, 2011 12:02 am

That is the kind of first post that makes one quite popular around here. Thank you.

I do want to address a few things here. Note, that you will find I am certainly not arguing with you, just giving my view which, close to yours, has a slight change in angle being that it's from behind the nametag. We are two blind people at the front of the elephant (I am thankful that we didn't get the back, because... well...) trying to describe what we see.

First, the people who have the FastPasses are special... just like that person standing next to them, standing in the StandBy queue, and the people in the next land, who do not have a FastPass. So don't say that they aren't special... just no more special than anyone else that is with us today.

You pay a lot to be here, and so do they. They should respect that fact, and enjoy what they paid so much to do. I mean, when you factor in that the trip for four can be in excess of $7,000 for the week (if they go really cheap), then add in that they probably paid for it on their credit card with compound interest, they REALLY paid a lot to be here. Things won't be perfect, but we are going to get it as close as possible without impeding on other guests.

As far as the cattle prod, I can neither confirm nor deny the fact that I sometimes agree with you.

Thank you for your next statement. I wish I didn't see that going away. Enjoy it while you still have it.

I agree that for the most part, a true love of Disney requires that you have something good and redeemable within you. So, if you run across someone who doesn't treat others nicely, my guess is that they are of the class of people who, when they booked the Entertainment Megaplex that is (the) Walt Disney World (resort), they were looking for a place where they could spend time with their extended family without actually having to be near them. There. I said it.

The big heads will never let that be known. I have seen and experienced too many things where the well-being of the Cast Members is really secondary to a guest's experience. I know too many people who have had close experiences to Zazu's, or people who let managers talk them into not pressing charges and they later lived to regret it. Immediate dollars are too important to see the greater profit of requiring good conduct of all our guests. I know that would increase revenue, safety, show, courtesy and eventually efficiency. Let's bring back the dress code.

The reward process is interesting. I get rewarded for mundane things, and I turned down a reward because they were giving it to me for giving bad guest service in the name of crushing more numbers in. Numbers are the biggest thing to get rewarded. Meanwhile, I watched as I received a brilliant scolding in front of other Cast Members for trying something new, and then when I picked up a shift the other day, two months later, it was implemented as normal operation. Naw, I don't really want the rewards they choose to give. I prefer the reward of the look on a child's face, or that child's parents' faces, when I create a moment that that child will never, ever forget.

Yikes. Didn't realize I needed to hear of someone experiencing the Cast Magic that way. Guess I did.

Thank you.

My opinions are mine and mine only. If my opinions are the opinion of others who happen to share whatever my crazy views may be, then fine, but it's not because I represent them in having my opinions. Got it?

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Re: Your FP says's 6:15..

Post by TeamUBR » Mon Jan 03, 2011 7:00 pm

Big Wallaby,

If you ever want to move to the St Louis area, I'll hire you. You very nicely expressed nearly everything I look for in a new manager/staff member. I work at the largest hospital in the midwest. We try to be as patient focused as Disney is guest focused.

I have to comment on your post.
Big Wallaby wrote:a true love of Disney requires that you have something good and redeemable within you..
I've never been able to articulate this but you are absolutely correct. The same for wanting to care for patients.
I know too many people who have had close experiences to Zazu's, or people who let managers talk them into not pressing charges and they later lived to regret it..
Incredibly sorry to hear this. Disney has an amazing reputation for their management and culture. Too bad this only extends to the guests. I'm certainly not bragging, but sadly, I have had to have family members arrested. We are an inner city academic teaching hospital that provides the primary trauma and indigent care for the market. Sometimes our patients don't have the best of friends.

Meanwhile, I watched as I received a brilliant scolding in front of other Cast Members for trying something new, and then when I picked up a shift the other day, two months later, it was implemented as normal operation. .
This really bothered me, but I'm sure even very good companies can have poor entry or middle managers. Disciplining in public is never acceptable. I have had staff and my superiors that have claimed credit for someone elses work. They generally get what they deserve. Too bad it takes time to happen. We strongly advocate solutions come from our staff. If a manager brings a "solution" I ask what staff member they partnered with to come up with, test and revise the suggestion. If they don't give me one, I find one for them to work with. If decisions need to come "top down", I will always head out to walk the area getting a feel for the impact before it is pushed down.

I prefer the reward of the look on a child's face, or that child's parents' faces, when I create a moment that that child will never, ever forget.
OK, you made me tear up. All I can say is THANK YOU.


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Re: Your FP says's 6:15..

Post by fugarwe » Mon Jan 03, 2011 9:39 pm

Zazu wrote:As if!

If we had that authority, life at the Parks would be *far* more pleasant and less crowded.

I couldn't even get a guest chased when they assaulted me as there wasn't a witness willing to write a statement. While I was dialing for OCSD, Security put them on the train and sent them on their way!

Ah, yes. Yes I did have some words with that Security CM. And his supervisor. Still, too late.
I'll keep that in mind when I'm at the parks in a few weeks. I'll just walk up, show the CM my badge, and say "I've got your back if you want me to sign a statement". Is there some other wording I should be using to let them know what I'm willing to do?

While at WDW I've seen some spectacular displays of idiocy, and even more spectacular displays of poor parenting skills. I try to remind myself it's job security, but still.

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Re: Your FP says's 6:15..

Post by disneydaddvc » Wed Jan 05, 2011 6:13 pm

Hello Big Wallaby

Enjoyed reading your response. Some of the stories I have read on this site have made me laugh. Found this site when doing research for a Disney vaction.

Going with knowledge makes things better.

Everyone keep the good stories coming.
When I have seen a SGT at WDW I try to stop to let my kids watch.
It can be a good teachable moment.

I'm that happy dad on vacation even in the rain. Still better than being at home.

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Re: Your FP says's 6:15..

Post by jgirl120 » Thu Feb 24, 2011 11:42 pm

disneydreamer21 wrote:I work at Buzz and I have so many SGs come up (mainly they are all foreign) (no offense to anyone) and try to get through the FP lane when their FP is for two hours later....grr..

Me: Fastpass?
SG: *shows FP for 9:40*
Me: Sir, your FP is for 9:40, it's only 6:15, come back in three hours..
SG: *smiles and tries to walk through FP lane*
Me: Sir, come back in three hours.
SG: oh, three hour?
Me: *nods* yes..

Or I've had people come up to me trying to pull the it's our last day and this is the last ride, I know our FP says (whatever time) but can you let us in now?..

I also love the "I lost my FP, can I still go on?" No!

There are way tooo many SGs at Buzz to count the numerous stupid stories we get each day...sigh
Most of the time they DO speak English. I loved to try and trick them.

"Hey your shoe's untied."

They look down

How about when they try to hide 7 "not a valid fastpass" behind one valid one?

I worked FP when there was a FP department and FPs didn't tell you when you can get a new one. (As if they read them anyway)...Can you imagine how many times I had a "not a valid fastpass" shoved in my face and asked "What does this mean?"
Hmmmmm...Let me see?...I think it means that that worthless piece of paper that you are holding in your hand is not valid....but maybe you should go over to the fastpass return line and try and get in with it. Right Now.

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Re: Your FP says's 6:15..

Post by jgirl120 » Thu Feb 24, 2011 11:56 pm

Goofyernmost wrote:This won't be popular but, in my opinion, FP itself is essentially cutting in line. But that's another thread. I hate FP!!
The guests that hate fastpass are the ones who don't know how to use it and stand in the standby line that said "90 minute wait" when they got in line but said to the rest of their party. "There's no way that's a 90 minute wait".
Then they watch as 80% FP and 20% SB go through and then start complaining that that idiot CM is letting all those fastpass people in. And when they get to the merge point they ask "why are you letting all those fastpass people in" and the CM says what was the posted wait time when you got in line?...and the guest either lies about the posted time or lies about how long they waited...sound familiar?

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Re: Your FP says's 6:15..

Post by turkeyham » Fri Feb 25, 2011 3:15 am

I have seen attractions break down when I visit the park with my sister. We both witnessed a SG who came over to BTRR and wanted to go one the ride when it was closed for renovation. We both were laughing when security pulled him out of a closed area.

If the area is closed off with a trash can, why remove it and continue walking? :rolleyes:

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Re: Your FP says's 6:15..

Post by CptnSkippy » Fri Feb 25, 2011 5:56 am

turkeyham wrote:I have seen attractions break down when I visit the park with my sister. We both witnessed a SG who came over to BTRR and wanted to go one the ride when it was closed for renovation. We both were laughing when security pulled him out of a closed area.

If the area is closed off with a trash can, why remove it and continue walking? :rolleyes:
Because they're looking it at like this: "Gee, some stupid person put a trash can right in the middle of the entrance with a rope that blocks that gate. How dumb!"

Parties of 33 should consider dividing their parties into two groups of 16 and a half each.

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Re: Your FP says's 6:15..

Post by Goofyernmost » Fri Feb 25, 2011 7:35 am

jgirl120 wrote:The guests that hate fastpass are the ones who don't know how to use it and stand in the standby line that said "90 minute wait" when they got in line but said to the rest of their party. "There's no way that's a 90 minute wait".
Then they watch as 80% FP and 20% SB go through and then start complaining that that idiot CM is letting all those fastpass people in. And when they get to the merge point they ask "why are you letting all those fastpass people in" and the CM says what was the posted wait time when you got in line?...and the guest either lies about the posted time or lies about how long they waited...sound familiar?
Well, imagine that...I've been going to WDW since 1983, have participated on these and like boards for going onto 10 years now and I don't know how to use it. Imagine my surprise!

The reason I hate it has to do with long term Disney joy and attitude that FP contributes in stomping into the ground. So in one sense you are correct. The hate usually comes from a place caused by the lack of knowledge of the system. The problem is that the hate isn't against the FP, it's leveled against Disney itself. To make a long story short it has created an unintentional cast system that not only separates the haves from the have nots, it blatantly rubs it in their faces.

I, on the other hand, hate Fastpass itself. Not because it allows people to go ahead in line (cause as we all know and I'm sure will be repeated incorrectly, that "everyone can get one") but because of the bitter taste it leaves in the standby line from people that may or may not know how Fastpass works. It's that lingering effect that causes my concern. It's the long range negative feeling that could influence whether or not people return for a second or third or in my case...looking at my 30th, return trip. That will eventually catch up with park attendance numbers and be costly to the parks. Just to head off yet another predictable statement of "Good then I will have the whole park to myself", I hope you also can handle the Billion dollar cost per ticket if you are the only visitor. :twisted:

And that's all I have to say about that!

:goofy: :goofy:

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