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Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 7:45 pm
by Latasian731
I would have to say that the Mouse Tales book was pretty inaccurate in it's stories. Some were obviously true but some are just exaggerated stories aimed into opening the door to "underground" Disneyland. But, the book was very entertaining nevertheless and I will admit that I have a copy. I also have the second book "More Mouse Tale" but I didnt enjoy it. It just seemed he had run out of material to right about but felt the need to update the book because of the new additions to the park...but thats my personal opinion! :D

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 12:21 am
by biscuit_meeko
Latasian731 wrote:I would have to say that the Mouse Tales book was pretty inaccurate in it's stories. Some were obviously true but some are just exaggerated stories aimed into opening the door to "underground" Disneyland. But, the book was very entertaining nevertheless and I will admit that I have a copy. I also have the second book "More Mouse Tale" but I didnt enjoy it. It just seemed he had run out of material to right about but felt the need to update the book because of the new additions to the park... but thats my personal opinion! :D
my hubby has all three of the books but I've been a little embarressed to say I haven't read all of them.. maybe that's a good thing? =)

Re: Mouse Tales

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 9:40 pm
by Christopher
screnwriter wrote:So I've heard. I perused a copy of "Mouse Tails" back when it first came out, and there were things that were physically impossible - like some story about a submarine accident that couldn't occur under the conditions given. And to make it worse, all you'd have to do is hang out and watch the subs for a short while to see that this story couldn't be true! What kind of journalist takes a persons word for something with no back up? Other stories were silly, and many had a ring of urban legend.
If that's true that quite a few things in the books aren't true, it would be sort of a comfort to me personally. I say this because when I first saw those books I took a quick glimpse through them, then quickly closed them again thinking, "No way, I don't want to know about any of that."

But after I had gotten that small glimpse, it had sort of given me the impression for a short while that maybe guests weren't as welcome as I would originally believe due to all the past troubles had at the park. From what I saw, the books sure seemed to paint a picture of CMs being cynical instead of enjoying much of what they did, at least that was how the books had come across to me at the time. So because I'm the type who always tries to please, I ended up feeling sort of nervous and self-conscious during one visit to Disneyland as a result, and even asked later here on this board about a cameraman incident that had happened during that visit for personal assurance. And embarrassed myself pretty badly in posting about it here too, you can bet... I felt really stupid after seeing the common sense replies and realized that I shouldn't have been so trusting just because the books were saying they were about Disneyland, and for a while was afraid I had made a complete fool out of myself on here. But then I felt quite a bit better after seeing all the friendly welcomes and replies on here.

Since then I had wonderful visits to Disneyland, especially after talking with CMs on here. :)

At the same time though, I have to admit that the books opened a door for wanting to understand more of what the CMs had to deal with so I would know personally how to (hopefully) be sure they would enjoy my visit and that I could show my appreciation for all their efforts for me. Otherwise I might not have accidentally discovered this site, and am glad I did as I enjoy visiting with all of you.

But I can see where the books might give CMs a good laugh if read just for a lark, I think. I personally wouldn't want to attempt looking in them again, though.