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Re: Meeko pays a visit

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 7:41 am
by DragonFox98
Big Wallaby wrote:Those of you who know me on Facebook, you've probably seen the pictures of me herding an armadillo on the Monorail platform. It came up the ramp and was headed toward the resort beam when I stopped it from going that way. I really, REALLY didn't want to see what would happen if it fell in the trough. So I cornered it over in the Express area where guests used to wait for the cab until animal control arrived.

Good times.
I actually would love to see that picture! Everytime we go to FL, I try and keep my eyes open for armadillos....I want to see one so badly. Oh, well. One of our experiences last year was to chase away three wild turkeys from our car at Port Orleans Riverside so we could leave for dinner....I think they were trying to carjack us! lol

Re: Meeko pays a visit

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 9:46 pm
by Cheshire Figment
A couple of years ago at Typhoon one afternoon we had a black snake (about two feet long) come out of the woods to the right of the turnstiles heading across the open area behind the turnstiles. Being somewhat familiar with snakes, I knew this was not poisonous.

I kept warning Guests to leave him alone, that he had a contract with Disney to entertain the Guests and that was what he was doing.

As he was approaching the wooded area near Guest Services there was this little girl, about two or three years old who was fascinated by the snake. I, and her mother, both kept warning her to leave the snake alone. Just as the snake was about to go into the woods, the girl reached down and picked up the snake about the middle of its body.

After about two or three seconds she realized she was holding a snake! She kind of freaked out, tossed the snake into the woods, and ran to her mother and while screaming hugged her around the leg. Everyone watching, including the mother, laughed at the result.

Re: Meeko pays a visit

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 10:08 am
by EeyoresButterfly
I've had a few animal encounters at Disney as well.

My second CP, we had a baby three legged alligator that visited the canal behind the production center (where the parades are staged). The canal was used to house the boats for the electrical water pageant at MK. Right by it was the smoking area. He hung out there for a couple of weeks, we dubbed him Tic Toc. We even had pictures of him backstage. I never did find out what happened to Tic Toc after I left.

Another time during parade a duck waddled out in front of Pinocchio's float causing the float to stop. The duck just stood there and watched the characters. Before too much longer, one of the captains came and was trying to chase the duck away. I swear, the duck just gave him a dirty look and continued to watch the characters. After about a minute or two, the duck finally (calmly) waddled on his way. The float moved about one foot, and another duck popped out. Of course the captain was still there, and he was trying to chase the duck, but like his compadre, he did not care. By this time, you could see all the float characters cracking up.

At the park I work at now, we have a rather large snapping turtle named Crush. Crush makes occasional midway appearances which almost always result in SG behavior such as feeding it a stick or picking it up.

I know my fiance had an incident with a skunk near one of the roller coasters. He and another supervisor were trying to chase away the skunk. I have this great mental image of the two of them pushing the other forward saying, "You get it, no you!" Thankfully nobody got sprayed.

Re: Meeko pays a visit

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 10:18 pm
by 5th Dimension
The animals don't care about anything anymore because people throw turkey leg bones and all kinds of crap to them.

Re: Meeko pays a visit

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 4:54 pm
by BRWombat
mapo wrote:My latest lil encounter was a white long billed bird at EPCOT. I think it was a White ibis.

Some crazed SG dropped a hunk of turkey skin out on promenade for bird. Bird grabbed the skin, but found he had no hope of getting it down.

Does he drop it? NO!

So....well here we come, chasing the poor thing into the seating area for AA trying to tell it to drop the thing. Does that work?? NOOOOOO!...
Well, it's good that you got him into AA, but that really only works if he admits he has a problem and is willing to work the twelve steps...

Re: Meeko pays a visit

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 8:59 am
by kcberlin
BRWombat wrote:Well, it's good that you got him into AA, but that really only works if he admits he has a problem and is willing to work the twelve steps...
Come to think of it, doesn't the second "A" in AA make having a special seating area for them kind of defeat the purpose?

Re: Meeko pays a visit

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 11:42 am
by PatchOBlack
kcberlin wrote:Come to think of it, doesn't the second "A" in AA make having a special seating area for them kind of defeat the purpose?
I think they are all provided with special masks...

Re: Meeko pays a visit

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 2:27 pm
by Lasolimu
PatchOBlack wrote:I think they are all provided with special masks...
But they have to introduce themselves don't they?

Re: Meeko pays a visit

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 11:15 pm
by Zazu
Lasolimu wrote:But they have to introduce themselves don't they?
First names only, just like Disney.

Hmm, wonder how much of that is coincidence.....

Re: Meeko pays a visit

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 12:49 am
by mapo
New story:

At American Adventure (AA) a female bald eagle decides to perch on the flag pole at the top of the building. No, not that flag pole. The one at the very top of the building on the steeple (I think that is what it is called).

How do I know this? Well, she stopped traffic, literally. Guests and cast alike paid more attention to the eagle than even Candlelight! Snaps and video abound with her sitting up there. :flash:

She arrived at 15:45 and left a little after sundown!

Some SGs wanted to know when we put the AA figure up there! :rimshot:

One man actually asked me if we trained her to do it. "You know it is Disney after all." :oweye:

Word of mouth spread through the EPCOT cast quickly....backstage we had every line of business and every CM who could get there looking at her.

All I could do was answer questions and pray she did not lay an egg. Yeah, that is the kind of day I had -- eagle lays egg on ball at top of flag pole..and here comes the YouTube vid to prove it! :eek:

I do have to admit, she had no idea but she put on a great show. :thumbup:
