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Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2004 9:27 pm
by hulkcoaster
you should buy a radio for your house that you can put the XM on, easier than sitting in the van

that is if you XM receiver detaches which i think the new ones do

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2004 11:14 pm
by tabacco
The trouble with XM (and what keeps me from getting it) is that I only listen to radio in the car on my way to/from work, which amounts to maybe 20-25 mins/day tops. That's too little for me to consider paying $12/month or whatever it is. Sure, I could listen to it at home, too, but when I'm home there's internet radio, which is free and every bit as good as XM (with even more possible stations, really).

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2004 12:41 am
by CujoSR
I used to be a fan of the internet radio, but I hated being limited by the fact that i had to have my computer on and the fact that my computer doesn't go into the living room. I drive only 10 mins to and from work but i still think it's worth it to pay the $10/month to make sure i have something i want to listen to for that ten minutes. haven't you had those trips where all you could find was crap or commercials? Not anymore.

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2004 12:40 pm
by BirdMom
Do the cable companies still do the XM-type thing? Before I was married, my mom had Comcast and since my brother had already hooked up the cable box to the tuner so that the t.v. would come through on the speakers, he talked her into the radio was cool because it had over 30 different channels. I listened to the new age a lot, but I also really like classic rock and (don't kill me) show tunes. They would play complete sountracks of obscure shows like "Metropolis" (based on the Fritz Lang movie) where it was hard to find the disc at your average Sam Goody or whatever... As far as I was concerned, that was one of the best premium add-ons to cable there could ever be. Now we have Adelphia (they SUCK!!!), and my husband doesn't particularly want to spring for the digital (it's hard enough paying basic rate after reading about their officers being taken away in handcuffs for using company money to live in the lap of luxury - and the rates still haven't gone down or been paid back to the treasury) - haven't heard if they have that radio service. I'm still on a dial up modem at home and I don't know if I want to add one more thing to my backpack so I can listen to internet radio while I'm here at school (class got out early today :D )

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2004 4:32 pm
by hulkcoaster
my digital cable (adelphia) has music choice, which is like 40 channels of music, no commercials and the screen tells you whats playing

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2004 5:19 pm
by BirdMom
ohhh man!!! I hate Adelphia, but I'd love the radio added to cable...dang!!! :?

BTW, Dave, I was in the Videopolis commercial when the place was first launched :wink: The first time I ever saw Michael Eisner was over there when he was (micromanaging) checking the place out...and my first impression was "does the guy sleep in his suit?" He was that rumpled...

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2004 6:36 pm
by coldfire409
Through directv i have 100 or so music stations, with no extra cost.

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 10:04 pm
by CujoSR
Bringing this topic back from the dead.

I just signed up for (the owner used to run before a falling out with his partner), and they are offering a free decal for your car or other location. It's very nice. If you like XM Radio Sign up and get it. Check out also.
