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Post by Dante101 » Tue Aug 19, 2003 7:24 pm

SirWillow wrote:^ Just one added comment. Just because someone is conservative does not make them a racist.
True - that's why I used both words in my description. Like "ugly motherf***er." Just because they are a "motherf***er" doesn't mean they are ugly, too. :wink:

Anyway, I'm saying that's how the people of Orange County were described to me - not by me.

From my experience, I've noticed quite a lot of racist views out here, but people being conservative is harder to notice in casual conversation - so I don't know if that's true or not...

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Post by mahaihai » Tue Aug 19, 2003 9:14 pm

So I have the same problem as all of you do. When i work i find that i spend at least haf of my time either talking in spanish or getting someone to translate for me. In the last 2 years i have learned how to sel tickets in spanish quite well and even ask for information on an annual pass but i still draw the line when guests just walk up to me and ASSUME that i speak spanish. If i see they are not comprehending me in English then i might bust into Espanol but i try not to. Why? Because, when in Rome do as the Romans. When i go to Mexico (which is quite often) i speak in spanish as much as i can. When i went to Europe on vacation i tried as hard as i could to speak the native tounge of the country i was in. I think what we are looking for is that same kind of respect. My biggest pet peeve is when a guest comes to me speaking spanish and then gets mad at me becuase i don't speak spanish. Sorry, i am white, corn fed and raised, i try when to speak spanish when i can but please try to speak english to me. Maybe if we all tried a little bit then we would all be better off. sorry for the rant but this is one of the things that drives me crazy about guests.. :x

Guests are a lot like children, either they never listen or they think you are lying even when your not!!

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Post by Weeble » Wed Aug 20, 2003 1:09 pm

Unfortunately, it is socially acceptable to rag on certain groups as long as "everyone" is in on it. For example:

Fat jokes- perfectly acceptable to make them, laugh at fat people and make movies about fat people (shallow hal, nutty proffesor)

Homosexuals- Don't get that as much in Bay Area due to the large number of homosexuals but when I go back to OC and see acquaintences, they usually start in with "so are you a F@% yet?" (that's why they remain acquaintences and not friends)

Hispanic Immigrants- Perfectly acceptable to crack jokes, joke about their language skills or lack thereof, dehumanize them. (how many times have you referred to a hispanic person as an "illegal"? Did you get a lawyer and dig through the immigrant's paperwork before using that term?)

These are all socially acceptable things to joke about amongst people in America.

Would you be so quick to post a thread that went something like this? :

Blacks at Disneyland:
Ever notice how they all litter and cuss? Half of them look like gang members. But boy they keep the fried chicken stand happy!

And what about the jews? man they sure are tight with their money, and Eisner is a Jew too!

I agree with Birdmom to a certain extent, responsible immigration is the way to go. We need to fund the border patrol better to shut down the influx and then work towards legalizing who is already here, because trust me, you wouldn't want them all deported at once as much as you may think you would. Those that are here need assimilate to the culture, again, legalizing the people here helps in that regard. Right now, people may not take english classes due to crap like prop 187 which stated that Teachers were required to turn in "illegal immigrants" to the authorities.

I promised myself I wouldn't post anymore on this topic, but I can't help it.

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Post by Fritter » Wed Aug 20, 2003 8:51 pm

heh, well keep on posting man! As for the ragging on groups...guilty as charged here.

All I have to say though, has practically been said. I despise when a guest comes up and starts talking to me like I know it. Now, I can't say that I am all white, because I'm a dark skinned filipino, which I guess can be translated into 'that girl knows spanish.' It does bug me and I do especially hate when you get the angry ones who get mad at you because you don't know it. BAh!

*standing at the cotton candy cart in front of the castle*
Guest: One hot dog please.
Me: "........."

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Post by goose » Thu Aug 21, 2003 2:54 pm

I'm sure that anyone in ODV, if honest, could tell you that there are definite similarites in certain ethnic groups that you notice when they approach your cart. Just certain things. Certain groups tend to say or do things more that other groups. One group will complain about the prices more, certain groups will cut in line more, certain groups will complain about the service or product more. White folks aren't except from my observations either.

I can't help but notice it. And I don't think that I'm a terrible person for making those observations. I think it would be wrong of me to say: "Mexicans are always doing this..." or "Blacks always do this..." That would definitley be wrong. And I don't automatically assume that a person of a certain race will do this or say that.

I think it has a lot to do with culture and not specific race or ethnicity. Anyways, that's my peace. Agree or disagree, that's fine.

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Post by TREKKINGUY » Thu Aug 21, 2003 9:08 pm

Oh she was making a clicking noise? she was speaking dolphin of course, now dont tell me you dont speak dolphin! or maybe she was just cold and the silver caps on her teeth were just clanking together, lol

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Post by CujoSR » Thu Aug 21, 2003 10:52 pm

^ That was profound.

"A little swordplay, now and then, keeps my mind off sheep!"

"You're messing with my Zen thing, man."

"Dreams are as portals,
flat visions of misty places,
fragments bound below my surface,
but I can write dreams,
they flow from me,
inscribed but now unbound,
I touch them,
and they are real,
and they are real."

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Post by Weeble » Fri Aug 22, 2003 11:36 am

And I don't automatically assume that a person of a certain race will do this or say that.
But you did make assumptions about her.
You'd better believe that if I moved to Mexico I would brush up on my Spanish speaking skills. Is it too much to ask that immigrants learn a little bit of English?
You assumed that this spanish speaking person was:

A. Mexican
B. An Immigrant

Is it possible she was visiting here from Argentina?

I don't mean to pick on you specifically Goose, A LOT of people think this way. Only when it is brought out into the open and people recognize it can it ever be solved.

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Post by wheelieman » Fri Aug 22, 2003 12:26 pm

^Just curious, Weeble, how come you didn't jump in to the discussion like this when people were making fun of the guests that use ECV's? And they were talking about doing actual physical harm to those people.

Dude, let it go. I DID.


Okay, that's it. I'm Banned. Sorry.

Im in California, Im in California! If you see me at Knott's, come up and say "Hi"!

^ Okay, the novelty has worn off.

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Post by Weeble » Fri Aug 22, 2003 1:08 pm

An excellent point Dave, I didn't jump in because it doesn't hit close to home for me. If it was bothering you however, you should have spoken up, you would have been backed up. Don't ever let a group intimidate you with their words!

I don't think we can be banned for discussing a controversial topic. At the very most the topic can be closed and deemed not relevant to the boards. You are right though about letting it go, I hereby drop this topic since it's been beaten to death!


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