The Rules

Disneyland Resort Paris Cast Members post your stupid guest tricks here. This forum is not for general Disneyland Paris discussion. Please use the Break Room, for non stupid guest trick topics.
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The Rules

Post by CujoSR » Mon Nov 10, 2003 9:36 pm

There are many forums that have rules. This forum is one of them. This doesn't make us fascists, or jerk offs and we're not out to get you unless of course you piss us off. This is to protect users and the integrity of our site and ensure that everyone can come here and have a good time without getting frustrated, leaving, or attacked etc. Think of it as Commandments for StupidGuestTricks:

1.) No spamming. We consider spam to be repetitive posts, posting links in the forum that’s not allowed (Porn, Unrelated Advertising, etc.), and maliciously filling up the forum with derogatory comments and ridiculously stupid posts that don't relate to the site.

2.) Unlike other forums out there, flame wars or fighting among users will not be tolerated. Conduct yourself in a civil manner. If you cannot do that then you are not welcome here. If threads degrade into flame wars, they will be locked, and the instigator may be banned.

3.) Attack the message, not the messenger. If you have a problem with a particular post, don’t make personal attacks against the poster. Instead, state in a civil manor what your disagreement with the post is. Personal attacks of any kind are not allowed.

4.) Although we don't mind if profanity is used, we ask that it be not used excessively. Profanity used as an attack on another person is not allowed.

5.) Remember that although this forum is here to post humorous stories of guests and cast members leaving their common sense at home, this forum is not meant for the bashing of any group of individuals, including guests. Posting individual accounts of stupid guest interactions is different than stating that “All APs are idiots”. Please do not categorize any groups of people in this manner.

6.) Do not use this site as a means to break any company policies for the theme park you work for. This includes the selling or trading of sign-ins, comp passes, free meals, etc. Doing so will not only put your career in jeopardy, but this site as well.

7.) Identity is very important here. In the interest of protecting the privacy of other Cast Members (current or former) we ask that when referring to them in a post you use only their first name (real, or whatever is on their nametag). The exception to this is when referring to Cast Members whose names are already widely known or in mainstream media (for example, Matt Ouimet, Michael Eisner, Wally Boag, Rod Miller, etc.) it is all right to use the full name. Do not assume that since you know someone personally, that they will not mind their name being placed in an open forum such as this.

8.) Do not conduct personal conversations with other members via the public forums. Either contact a person via personal email, or through the PM feature of this website and conduct the conversation using one of those methods.

9.) When linking to in general, please link to the main page. If you would like to link to a specific thread, that is fine but be aware that a lot of threads cannot be viewed by unregistered users. Please do not link directly to any single file on the website (including, but not limited to, photos and videos). Linking directly to files uses up bandwidth that should instead be used by our members.

10.) Consider all moderator's decisions as final. If any posts are locked, deleted or edited for any reason do not post simply to discuss the issue. For example if a flame war breaks out in your topic because a debate is a touchy subject and the topic is locked, its locked for a reason. Please don't rehash it. Additionally, don't make a post disrespecting the moderator that locks, or edits your post or thread. If you would like, take it up with the moderator via PM, but keep your conversation civil.

Failure to follow any of these rules can cause your posts, to be edited, locked, or deleted at the discretion of the moderators. Constant failure to follow the site rules could also cause you to become banned from

Follow these rules and you'll be just fine. Don't feel like we are going to be family friendly and not allow you to be yourselves. Just try to be a little reasonable and use common sense. Aside from these rules we just want everyone to have a good time and enjoy these forums. Well that's about it. Welcome to StupidGuestTricks! Enjoy your stay here.

This topic will be edited, modified or amended as needed by myself or the other admins. All changes to these rules will be announced in the Cast Communications section.

11-10-03: Added rules 9 and 10
02-17-04: Revised and re-wrote rules

"A little swordplay, now and then, keeps my mind off sheep!"

"You're messing with my Zen thing, man."

"Dreams are as portals,
flat visions of misty places,
fragments bound below my surface,
but I can write dreams,
they flow from me,
inscribed but now unbound,
I touch them,
and they are real,
and they are real."

Big Wallaby
Permanent Fixture
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Re: The Rules

Post by Big Wallaby » Tue Feb 03, 2009 5:22 am

Addendum to 7.) If someone on this board does not want to be found in their personal or professional life, do NOT go searching for them. Anyone searching for people here who do not want to be discovered will be immediately and permanently banned from this site, and if we feel it necessary to protect a member, Government authorities may be notified. Any practice of this sort of activity will be considered stalking. For everyone: This is your one and only warning.

My opinions are mine and mine only. If my opinions are the opinion of others who happen to share whatever my crazy views may be, then fine, but it's not because I represent them in having my opinions. Got it?
