Your Pet Peeves

Disneyland Resort Cast Members post your stupid guest tricks here. This forum is not for general Disneyland discussion. Please use the Break Room, for non stupid guest trick topics.
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Re: Your Pet Peeves

Post by Girz71 » Thu Sep 22, 2005 8:32 am

SoarWhoreCoCo wrote:Yes, we do love kids! 98% of them know what they are doing, listen to CMs and wait until you're done talking with a Guests before asking a question or pin trading. In fact if we could just let the kids in it would be a better place some times. It is the adults that are rude, idiotic, and nasty and need to take lessons from their kids. Another pet peeve is people generalizing, remember we are discussing cerain individuals not all of our Guests, and some of us CMs do not like being accused of hating children, tread your waters carefully.
Thanks for clarifying! I am always teaching my kids about trying not to be pests... so manners are big with us. And they were only allowed 8 pins each. Actually, I bribed them to sit nicely in restaurants/shows/etc with a pin-trade stop afterward. Worked great, and they loved talking to CMs. We met some really nice, really bored and lonely CMs on a very busy day. Nobody was getting funnel cakes I guess, so their assigned area had no tables to clear. Actually, that was one of the highlights of our trip!

Have a great day, all, and keep smiling... many of us DO appreciate it!

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Re: Your Pet Peeves

Post by M6l24m86 » Wed Oct 12, 2005 3:52 am

Mine is when guests come up to the registers before you call them or were ready for them and then they get angry with you when you leave to go and take the hangers backstage. Or when you need to go on your break and they come up. I guess they understand that I HAVE to stay and help them.

Another one is when I have a stock shift and guests assume that just because I work stock that I know exactly every size we have in the stock room etc. how much they shrink, how long the batteries last in this. I have no idea.

Also, "Do you work here?".... "Uh, no I wear this ridiculous vest EVERY time I come to Disneyland" Duh I work here. lol

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Re: Your Pet Peeves

Post by dash1bravo » Wed Oct 12, 2005 1:44 pm

Not sure that it matters, but some pet peeves from a guest perspective (and they all have to do with my theory of crowd dynamics; that is, most people are inherently rude AND stupid)

People have no reason to concern themselves with what's happening behind them.

Exhibit A: Leaving the monorail station at the TTC at the end of a day. The crowds are huge, people are tired and everyone just wants to get back to their hotel room. We're the second group in line to exit and as soon as we get to the end of the exit queue the group in front of us (three VERY large women) stop to plan their next move. Being the gentleman that I am, I plow through them barking "Go find somewhere else to graze ya' fat cows!! The rest of us are trying to leave!!"

Exhibit B: While walking among a group of other guests, it will invariably the group directly in front of you who will choose to either stop suddenly or execute an abrupt about face. This often results in an admonition from said guest(s) to "Watch where you're going!!" (sorry. Try equipping your ass with brake lights next time)

Everyone thinks they're priorities are far more important than those the 70k other guests they're sharing the park with.

Exhibit A: Leaving WDW's MK after the fireworks. MS is crowded and the dozy bitch behind us keeps ramming my mom with her metal (METAL!!?!??!) stroller. Despite my mom's polite admonitions to please stop, the dozy one insists (in broken English... must've been a Brazilian) "but I'm trying to leave!" What?!? What do the think the rest of us are trying to do? And how do you think that hobbling the people in front of you is going to help the matter? Unless that stroller has 4-wheel drive and a kick ass suspension to get over the bodies of the people you're trying to cripple.

People are unaware that they have size AND mass.

Exhibit A: Any group of morbidly obese guests will insist NOT ONLY on walking a half-mile per hour, but will do so while spread 4 or 5 abreast, thereby trapping anyone so unlucky as to be caught behind them.

Exhibit B: Any group of three or more guests who feel compelled to consult a park map will do so while positioned in a location chosen so as to cause the greatest disruption to other foot traffic. Said group will also scowl at anyone who bumps into them while trying to navigate the obstacle they've created.

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Re: Your Pet Peeves

Post by CerasiJ » Wed Oct 12, 2005 1:53 pm

dash1bravo wrote:Any group of three or more guests who feel compelled to consult a park map will do so while positioned in a location chosen so as to cause the greatest disruption to other foot traffic. Said group will also scowl at anyone who bumps into them while trying to navigate the obstacle they've created.

"Really, if it’s done therapeutically—there’s nothing wrong with it. We euthanize dogs and cats all the time in this country. Why not stupid people, too? Makes sense to me." - My Mom, Former WDW CRO Agent

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Re: Your Pet Peeves

Post by krnlmustrd » Wed Oct 12, 2005 4:03 pm

My pet peeve is the opposite of a previous poster. I don't understand why someone will sit and hold a table at a counter service restaraunt for 20 minutes while someone in their party goes through the line. It makes it so much harder for those people who actually have their food to eat and get out. By the time the person holding the table actually gets their food, the other party could have eaten and left already!

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Re: Your Pet Peeves

Post by lady ulrike » Wed Oct 12, 2005 6:41 pm

When I go to grab a table in a similar situation, I usually wait until my party is about done..For example, when they're in the line to pay, then it's only about 5 minutes that I'm holding the table for. Plus I don't go to the parks on days when it'll take 20 minutes to get food.

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Re: Your Pet Peeves

Post by Natural Selection Fan » Wed Oct 12, 2005 8:32 pm

Strollers and the ignoramus (ignorami?) that block restroom doors, backstage passageways and attraction entrances with them.

They place the front end inside the restroom doorway while waiting for jr. to
exit and nobody can get in or out of the door without taking a great big step
over it. Hey, if your that worried about jr. getting lost, maybe you should be in there with him.

They block backstage gates with a damed stroller jamboree and will completely ignore the ODV peeps trying to get a cart though the gates. Just sit there and look blank. Not our problem.

They will try to get their SUV into an attraction entrance completely oblivious to the sea of parked strollers three feet away and then get pissy when told
they can't come in. "But heeees sleeeeeeping!" Last time I looked,
the caterpillars did not offer a goddamed luggage rack on the top.

And when they aren't pulling stunts like this, they're running down the
ankles of anyone and everyone.

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Re: Your Pet Peeves

Post by SRT_GB » Wed Oct 12, 2005 11:36 pm

I've probably said this one a gazillion times about strollers: When people unload them and/or leave them in the middle of the tunnel by Strollers/Bank of Main Street during the fireworks/Fantasmic blowoff.

One family managed to completely stop traffic in that tunnel during the middle of the rush because it took 8 people to unload the stroller, despite my constant requests that they unload outside the tunnel. I even used hand gestures in case they didn't understand English and they still wouldn't move.

I've seen it happen a few dozen times where the family occupied about half the tunnel, bottlenecking it so that only one or two guests could get through at a time.

Whenever the ticket taker lead has to open the floodgate to let a Hummer-sized stroller or ECV in, it's bound for disaster.

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Re: Your Pet Peeves

Post by redandfuzzy » Mon Feb 20, 2006 11:42 pm

Asking how much a Coke costs.

Christ, it's you think it's going to be free or something?

(hello..first post, I'm Kelly :p)

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Re: Your Pet Peeves

Post by lilllmcgil » Wed Feb 22, 2006 10:03 pm

redandfuzzy wrote:Asking how much a Coke costs.

Christ, it's Disney... do you think it's going to be free or something?

(hello..first post, I'm Kelly :p)
some people like to know ahead of time how much something is going to cost so they can decide if the benefit outweighs the cost. economy 101. i know cm's go through a million stupid guests a day, but is asking the price of something they are looking to purchase really a stupid guest trick?

now if the price is right in front of their face, then they are fair game.

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